class CBNSJunctionTree

This class stores the set of cliques, separators and charges generated by the CBNSGraph class and is used for Evidence propagation

Public Fields

static int m_nCounter
This variable is used to check for the memory leaks in the program


Constructor and Destructor
CBNSJunctionTree ()
Default Constructor
~CBNSJunctionTree ()
Out Functions
CBNSSet <CBNSClique *> GetCliqueSet ()
Returns the set of cliques in the Junction Tree
CBNSSet <CBNSSeparator *> GetSeparatorSet ()
Returns the set of separators in the Junction Tree
CBNSSet <CBNSCharge *> GetChargeSet ()
Returns the set of charges in the Junction Tree
In Functions
void SetCliqueSet (CBNSSet<CBNSClique *>& CliqueSet)
Assigns the Clique Set to CliqueSet
void SetSeparatorSet (CBNSSet<CBNSSeparator *>& SeparatorSet)
Assigns the Clique Set to CliqueSet
void SetChargeSet (CBNSSet<CBNSCharge *>& ChargeSet)
Assigns the Charge Set to CliqueSet
Message Propagation
void DistributeEvidence ()
Distributes the Evidence from the root of the Junction Tree
void CollectEvidence ()
Collects the Evidence
void Propagate (eBNSPropagationMethod method = PROPAGATION_DEFAULT)
Propagates the Evidence
bool NeedsPropagation ()
Return true if the Junction Tree needs propagation
Other Utility Functions
void AssignProbNodes (CBNSNetwork *pNetwork)
Assigns the probability nodes to the cliques
void PrintNodeProbability (CBNSNode *pNode)
Prints the probability of pNode to the console
void SetEvidence (CBNSNode *pNode, int nStateIndex)
Sets the Evidence for a Node to a particular state
void CreatePotentials ()
Creates potential tables for the cliques and separators


bool m_bIsPropagated
This variable is true if the Junction tree is propagated
CBNSClique* m_pRootClique
Pointer to Root Clique
CBNSSet <CBNSClique *> m_pCliqueSet
Set of Cliques
CBNSSet <CBNSSeparator *> m_pSeparatorSet
Set of Separators
CBNSSet <CBNSCharge *> m_pChargeSet
Set of Charges


This class stores the set of cliques, separators and charges generated by the CBNSGraph class and is used for Evidence propagation
static int m_nCounter
This variable is used to check for the memory leaks in the program

Constructor and Destructor

Default Constructor


Out Functions

CBNSSet <CBNSClique *> GetCliqueSet()
Returns the set of cliques in the Junction Tree

CBNSSet <CBNSSeparator *> GetSeparatorSet()
Returns the set of separators in the Junction Tree

CBNSSet <CBNSCharge *> GetChargeSet()
Returns the set of charges in the Junction Tree

In Functions

void SetCliqueSet(CBNSSet<CBNSClique *>& CliqueSet)
Assigns the Clique Set to CliqueSet
CliqueSet - a referece to a CBNSSet of pointers to CBNSClique

void SetSeparatorSet(CBNSSet<CBNSSeparator *>& SeparatorSet)
Assigns the Clique Set to CliqueSet
SeparatorSet - a referece to a CBNSSet of pointers to CBNSSeparator

void SetChargeSet(CBNSSet<CBNSCharge *>& ChargeSet)
Assigns the Charge Set to CliqueSet
ChargeSet - a referece to a CBNSSet of pointers to CBNSCharge

Message Propagation

void DistributeEvidence()
Distributes the Evidence from the root of the Junction Tree

void CollectEvidence()
Collects the Evidence

void Propagate(eBNSPropagationMethod method = PROPAGATION_DEFAULT)
Propagates the Evidence
method - a default propagation scheme is used now, further implementation should include other propagation schemes

bool NeedsPropagation()
Return true if the Junction Tree needs propagation

Other Utility Functions

void AssignProbNodes(CBNSNetwork *pNetwork)
Assigns the probability nodes to the cliques

void PrintNodeProbability(CBNSNode *pNode)
Prints the probability of pNode to the console
pNode - a pointer to CBNSNode

void SetEvidence(CBNSNode *pNode, int nStateIndex)
Sets the Evidence for a Node to a particular state
pNode - a pointer to a node for which the evidence is set
nStateIndex - the probability of state nStateIndex is set to 1

void CreatePotentials()
Creates potential tables for the cliques and separators

bool m_bIsPropagated
This variable is true if the Junction tree is propagated

CBNSClique* m_pRootClique
Pointer to Root Clique

CBNSSet <CBNSClique *> m_pCliqueSet
Set of Cliques

CBNSSet <CBNSSeparator *> m_pSeparatorSet
Set of Separators

CBNSSet <CBNSCharge *> m_pChargeSet
Set of Charges

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling