class CBNSCharge

A Charge consists of a Source Clique, Sink Clique and a Separator associated with these cliques

Public Fields

static int m_nCounter
This variable is used to check for the memory leak in the program.

Public Methods

bool IsSumConsistent ()
This function checks for the Sum Consistency of the Charge and returns true if the Charge is Sum Consistent


Constructors and Destructor
CBNSCharge ()
Default Constructor
CBNSCharge (CBNSClique *pSourceClique, CBNSClique *pSinkClique, CBNSSeparator *pSeparator)
Constructor with Source Clique, Sink Clique and Separator as the parameters
virtual ~CBNSCharge ()
Out Functions
CBNSClique* GetSourceClique ()
Returns the pointer to the Source Clique
CBNSClique* GetSinkClique ()
Returns the pointer to the Sink Clique
CBNSSeparator* GetSeparator ()
Returns the pointer to the Separator
In Functions
void SetSourceClique (CBNSClique *pSourceClique)
Sets the Source Clique for the Charge
void SetSinkClique (CBNSClique* pSinkClique)
Sets the Sink Clique for the Charge
void SetSeparator (CBNSSeparator* pSeparator)
Sets the Separator for the Charge
Friend Functions
friend void PrintChargeSet (CBNSSet<CBNSCharge*> ChargeSet)
Prints the contents of Charge Set
friend ostream& operator << (ostream &o, CBNSCharge &Charge)
Stream insertion operator


Private Member Variables
CBNSClique* m_pSourceClique
Pointer to source clique
CBNSClique* m_pSinkClique
Pointer to sink clique
CBNSSeparator* m_pSeparator
Pointer to separator


A Charge consists of a Source Clique, Sink Clique and a Separator associated with these cliques. The Bayesian Network is said to be stable if all the Charges in the network are Sum Consistent. A Charge is sum consistent if the joint probability distributions of the nodes in the separator as calculated from both Source and Sink Cliques are equal.
static int m_nCounter
This variable is used to check for the memory leak in the program.

Constructors and Destructor

Default Constructor

CBNSCharge(CBNSClique *pSourceClique, CBNSClique *pSinkClique, CBNSSeparator *pSeparator)
Constructor with Source Clique, Sink Clique and Separator as the parameters
pSourceClique - This is a pointer to the Source Clique
pSinkClique - This is a pointer to the Sink Clique
pSeparator - This is a pointer to the Separator.

virtual ~CBNSCharge()

Out Functions

CBNSClique* GetSourceClique()
Returns the pointer to the Source Clique
Pointer to the Source Clique

CBNSClique* GetSinkClique()
Returns the pointer to the Sink Clique
Pointer to the Source Clique

CBNSSeparator* GetSeparator()
Returns the pointer to the Separator
Pointer to the Separator

In Functions

void SetSourceClique(CBNSClique *pSourceClique)
Sets the Source Clique for the Charge
pSourceClique - sets the Source Clique to pSourceClique

void SetSinkClique(CBNSClique* pSinkClique)
Sets the Sink Clique for the Charge
pSinkClique - sets the Sink Clique to pSinkClique

void SetSeparator(CBNSSeparator* pSeparator)
Sets the Separator for the Charge
pSeparator - sets the Separator to pSeparator

bool IsSumConsistent()
This function checks for the Sum Consistency of the Charge and returns true if the Charge is Sum Consistent

Friend Functions

friend void PrintChargeSet(CBNSSet<CBNSCharge*> ChargeSet)
Prints the contents of Charge Set
ChargeSet - a CBNSSet of pointers to CBNSCharge

friend ostream& operator << (ostream &o, CBNSCharge &Charge)
Stream insertion operator
o - referece to the ostream object
Charge - reference to the CBNSCharge object

Private Member Variables

CBNSClique* m_pSourceClique
Pointer to source clique

CBNSClique* m_pSinkClique
Pointer to sink clique

CBNSSeparator* m_pSeparator
Pointer to separator

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling