class CBNSSeparator : public CBNSCliqueBase

This class defines the Separator data structure in the Bayesian network


Public Fields

static int m_nCounter
This variable is used to check for the memory leak in the program

Public Methods

void CreatePotential ()
Creates Potential table for the separator ie
void CalculateUpdateRatio (CBNSProbVector& vProbVector)
Calculates the UpdateRatio and returns the value in vProbVector


Constructors and Destructor
CBNSSeparator ()
Default Construtor
CBNSSeparator (CBNSClique* pSourceClique, CBNSClique* pSinkClique)
Constructor with pointers to source clique and sink clique
virtual ~CBNSSeparator ()
Out Functions
CBNSClique* GetSourceClique ()
Returns a pointer to the source clique
CBNSClique* GetSinkClique ()
Returns a pointer to the sink clique
CBNSProbVector GetUpdateRatio ()
Returns the Update Ratio
In Functions
void SetSourceClique (CBNSClique* pSourceClique)
Sets the source clique to pSourceClique
void SetSinkClique (CBNSClique* pSinkClique)
Sets the sink clique to pSinkClique


Private Member Variables
CBNSClique* m_pSourceClique
pointer to the source clique
CBNSClique* m_pSinkClique
pointer to the sink clique

Inherited from CBNSCliqueBase:


Constructor and Destrutor

Default Constructor
virtual ~CBNSCliqueBase()

Update Functions

void AddNode(CBNSNode * pNode)
Adds a node to the Clique/Separator
void AddNodeSet(CBNSSet<CBNSNode*> nodeSet)
Adds a node set to the Clique/Separator
void AddProbNode(CBNSNode *pNode)
Adds a Probability node to the Clique/Separator
void RemoveNode(CBNSNode * pNode)
Removes a node from the Clique/Separator
void RemoveNodeSet(CBNSSet<CBNSNode*> nodeSet)
Removes a node set from the Clique/Separator

Computation of Marginal Distributions

CBNSProbVector ComputeMarginal(CBNSSet<CBNSNode*>& cNodeSet)
Computes the Marginal Distribution
CBNSProbVector ComputeBeliefVector(CBNSNode* pNode)
Computes the Belief Vector of pNode and returns the values in a CBNSProbVector

Other Utility Functions

void UpdateClique()
Updates the Clique/Separator
void UpdatePriorProbability()
Updates the prior probability table
void PrintNodeProbabilities()
Prints the node probabilities to the console
void PrintPotentialTable()
Prints the potential table of the Clique/Separator


Protected Member Variables

CBNSProbVector m_cPotentialTable
Potential Table
CBNSProbVector m_cPriorProbability
Prior Probability
CBNSProbVector m_cUpdateRatio
Update Ratio
CBNSSet <CBNSNode*> m_cNodes
CBNSSet of Pointers to Nodes


This class defines the Separator data structure in the Bayesian network. The Separator is characterized by its source clique and the sink clique. A separator can exist between two cliques having some nodes in common.
static int m_nCounter
This variable is used to check for the memory leak in the program

Constructors and Destructor

Default Construtor

CBNSSeparator(CBNSClique* pSourceClique, CBNSClique* pSinkClique)
Constructor with pointers to source clique and sink clique
pSourceClique - a pointer to the source clique
pSinkClique - a pointer to the sink clique

virtual ~CBNSSeparator()

Out Functions

CBNSClique* GetSourceClique()
Returns a pointer to the source clique
a pointer to CBNSClique

CBNSClique* GetSinkClique()
Returns a pointer to the sink clique
a pointer to CBNSClique

CBNSProbVector GetUpdateRatio()
Returns the Update Ratio

In Functions

void SetSourceClique(CBNSClique* pSourceClique)
Sets the source clique to pSourceClique
pSourceClique - a pointer to source clique

void SetSinkClique(CBNSClique* pSinkClique)
Sets the sink clique to pSinkClique
pSinkClique - a pointer to sink clique

void CreatePotential()
Creates Potential table for the separator ie., initializes all the elements to in the table to 1

void CalculateUpdateRatio(CBNSProbVector& vProbVector)
Calculates the UpdateRatio and returns the value in vProbVector
vProbVector - a reference to CBNSProbVector

Private Member Variables

CBNSClique* m_pSourceClique
pointer to the source clique

CBNSClique* m_pSinkClique
pointer to the sink clique

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling