Final Grades Posted | |
Posted on Saturday, 14 December 2002, 11:08AM | |
on the left, as usual. We do not accept returns.
And the Winner is..... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted on Friday, 06 December 2002, 05:07PM | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chikomalo! who was, believe it or not, undefeated. United3 came in
fighting at second place and Robots in third. The scores were
Please remember that your final grade still depends largely on the quality of your writeup. These are to be turned in using the usual method. Thanks to all of you! You did a great job! I hope you had some fun too. |
Test 2 Graded and PS 6 due date | |
Posted on Sunday, 01 December 2002, 12:33PM | |
The grades for test is now grades. I gave everyone credit for question
9 and on question 39 I accepted 2 and 4 as answers. Everyone received
10 extra points. These are already reflected in the posted grade.
Also, unless you have talked to me about it, the due date for PS 6 is
Monday 2002-12-09@12:00:00, in the dropbox.
Tournament Moved to Friday | |
Posted on Thursday, 14 November 2002, 09:40AM | |
In order to give you a couple more days to prepare, I have moved the
tournament to Friday Dec 6. I have reserved one of the Unix labs on
the first floor of Swearingen from 1pm-3pm for that day. At least one
of your group members needs to be there for the duration. Update:
Friday, 15 November 2002, 10:51AM It looks like it will be in room
Voting Theory in the News | |
Posted on Sunday, 03 November 2002, 10:28AM | |
There appears an article on Science News titled Are we using the
worst voting procedure?. It talks about why plularity vote sucks,
Arrow's impossibility theorem, and the old Borda count—all in the
context of the US election process. I found this on Slashdot.
Reciprocity.nlogo Bug | |
Posted on Sunday, 03 November 2002, 10:23AM | |
Laura Zavala found a bug in the reciprocity.nlogo code I gave out with
PS5. Namely, the code I gave out sometimes allows an agent to carry
the package for another agent even thought the packages are on
different spokes (basically, it delivers the package on the wrong
spoke). She created a modified reciprocity2.nlogo which fixes this
problem. Of course, you will probably not need to download it since you are implementing your own exchange mechanism anyway. Still, it will be usefull if you want to compare your results to the reciprocity results. |
More on Biter | |
Posted on Saturday, 26 October 2002, 08:41AM | |
Biter is not just a piece of code for you to use. It is also my
ongoing research project. Our research into the use of Biter as a
teaching and research tool has already lead to various publications
(Paul is a PhD student), namely:
PS4 Graded | |
Posted on Thursday, 24 October 2002, 04:08PM | |
By now you should have received your grades for PS4. It was very
interesting to notice the different ways in which you implemented a
solution. Many of your solutions showed that performance degraded
rapidly as one changed the number of mailmen from 1 to 10 and then
stabelized. This, I am sorry to say, reflects a problem with your
algorithms, thought not an easy one to solve. There really is no
reason why adding another agent should increase the distance
travelled. However, as many of you noticed, it is sometimes very hard
to prevent an agent from doing the work that should best be done by
another agent.
Test1 and PS3 Grades Done | |
Posted on Saturday, 12 October 2002, 12:34PM | |
By now you should have received an email with your PS3 grade and
comments. For both PS3 and Test1 the grades were lower than I had hoped. As far as PS3 I think most of you simply underestimated the time it would take you to finish it. None of these programming assignments are the type that you can start and finish the weekend before they are due. That is why you get three weeks. There were some confusing questions on the test (as always) which some of you have pointed out and I have given credit for them. Overall, however, there seems to be three groups: those who did the readings and paid attention in class, those who did the readings, and those who did very little. Also, everyone in class received an extra 10 points on the test. These points are already reflected on the grades posted. You can pick up your graded tests during our next meeting. |
Test 1 Solutions | |
Posted on Wednesday, 09 October 2002, 04:02PM | |
Well, I hope everyone did OK. The answers to test 1 are posted on the
left. I will be grading it and PS 3 over the next couple of
days. Hopefully I'll be done by Monday.
Mailing List | |
Posted on Wednesday, 02 October 2002, 08:19AM | |
I often forward questions that people ask me to the class mailing
list, along with my answers. You might want to subscribe if you have
not done so already.
On Mindreading | |
Posted on Tuesday, 01 October 2002, 09:24PM | |
The Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie have a great skit called Welcome to
the Internet Helpdesk. It is about a guy who works the helpdesk for
an ISP. One of the funniest bits goes like:
Helpdesk: Internet Help desk, may I help you? User: I can't get my email. Helpdesk: Hmmm, can you be a little more specific. User: No. Helpdesk: Please hold.Need I say more? You know who you are. |
JADE on Solaris | |
Posted on Monday, 30 September 2002, 06:05PM | |
I have confirmed that the MeetingScheduler demo for JADE does not work
on Solaris. The error is:
java.lang.NullPointerException at CalendarBean.JCalendar.setLocale( don't know why this is. I sent an email to the JADE mailing list. Update: Monday, 30 September 2002, 09:29PM No answer yet from the JADE people, but Seang-Chan Ryu writes: Actually, I think, Meeting Scheduler works on Solaris, too. The thing is it doesn't work with java1.4. I changed something in your the makefile.Well, I don't know why either, but I did this (I also did aJAVA=java => JAVA=/usr/local/java1.3/bin/java And it seems working, although I don't know why exactly. make
clean;make before) and it seems to work for me too. If you make
this change you should also change to use the 1.3 javac, just to be
consistent. Update: Tuesday, 01 October 2002, 07:47AM Olleg
Samoylov from the JADE mailing list explains that:
I got this trouble too (on Linux J2SDK 1.4). As I undestand it is not OS depended bug, but JVM version depended. CalendarBean (which used in MeetingScheduler) don't work in JVM 1.4.The CalendarBean is not written by the JADE developers. So, make sure you use java1.3.Update: Tuesday, 01 October 2002, 08:55AM Heiko Holtschneider from the JADE mailing list says that he got java1.4 to work by replacing CalendarBean.jar with the new jcalendar.jar dowloaded from here. He also warns that: I had some problems integrating it in the example since the paths somehow changed but it works fine with this jcalendar.I think it will be easier for me if you just stick to using java1.3. Update: Tuesday, 01 October 2002, 11:46AM Paul Buhler has provided a pointer to a mailing list message that explained this problem. Somehow I missed it when first searching the archives. |
Calendaring Is Coming! | |
Posted on Sunday, 22 September 2002, 06:08PM | |
I thought this wired
article was interesting in view of PS3. Its about the popularity
of a website that shares calendar's from Apple's iCal (not to be
confused with the iCal RFC). It might also mark the birth of the
verb "calendaring".
"Potter predicted the arrival of open-source calendar servers would lead to an explosion of public calendaring on the Web." |
PS 2 Graded | |
Posted on Thursday, 19 September 2002, 01:58PM | |
By the time this gets posted you should have received your grade and
comments for PS2 on email. I noticed overall improvement in the effort
and quality of the solutions. Some of you, however, still need to
improve your documentation. It is very important for you to explain
why you chose that approach. An interesting idea that many of you touched on is the tradeoff between maximizing the global utility and the computational and communnication complexity among the agents. After seeing all your solutions I am more convinced than before that there is little to be gained by trying sophisticated coordination mechanism on this radar problem. That is, while it is possible to eek out a few more utility points with a complicated negotiation system, it hardly seems worth it. The main point that we should remember is that simple mechanisms sometimes work just as well. Of course, these simple mechanisms have to be a little more sophisticated than the obvious solution. I also wish I could explain what is it about this problem, and others like it, that make it unsuitable for resolution with complex mechanisms. This brings to something else I learned from you. I noticed that several students are attacking these problems by first listing a set of problems with my solution and then trying to find a solution that overcomes those problems. This seems like the beginning of a methodology for building emergent systems. Namely:
Bug in radarschallenge.nlogo | |
Posted on Wednesday, 11 September 2002, 03:59PM | |
One of you pointed out a bug in my radarschallenge implementation. I
have updated the file. The problem was a missing set of parentheses in
target-in-sight . The correct code is:
to-report target-in-sight [the-target] locals [angle] set angle abs (towards the-target - heading) set angle min list angle (360 - angle) report angle <= radar-amplitude / 2 end |
PS 1 Graded | |
Posted on Thursday, 05 September 2002, 09:15PM | |
I have finished grading PS 1. To see everyone's grades click on the
Grades link on the left. You should have received the email with
your individual comments by the time you read this. My comments are
preceded by the # symbol. In general, the scores achieved fell into
three categories. Most were able, with a bit of effort, to achieve a
score of around 70. There were a handful of exceptional cases that
pushed it to the 75-80 range. On the other hand, there were a few who
only managed numbers around 50. I have a few other observations.
PS0 Solutions Posted | |
Posted on Wednesday, 28 August 2002, 04:19PM | |
I have posted the solutions to PS0. Simply go to PS0 and click on the
picture to see the applet and then download the source code.