Date | Material Covered | Reading | Homework |
Jan. 10 | Introduction to MAS and RoboCup | Chp. 1 & Soccerserver Manual | |
Jan. 12 | Agent Architectures Intro. | ||
Jan. 17 | No Classes | ||
Jan. 19 | Logic and Reactive architectures. | Chp. 1.3-1.4 | |
Jan. 24 | BDI and Layered architectures. AOP. | 1.5-2.2 | PS1 due (Programming) |
Jan. 26 | Intro to MAS. Languages | Chp. 2.1-2.2 KQML | |
Jan. 31 | Fipa. Contract Net | Chp. 2.3 | PS2 due |
Feb. 2 | Blackboards, Negotiation, MAS TMS | Chp 2.3.4- 2.4 | |
Feb. 7 | Task Sharing | Chp. 3 | PS3 due (Programming) |
Feb. 9 | Swarm Robotics, Stigmergy, Self-Organization | Cooperative Transport by
Ants and Robots and Adaptive Task Allocation Inspired by a Model of Division of Labor in Social Insects |
Feb. 14 | Search Algorithms | Chp. 4 | PS4 due |
Feb. 16 | Search Algorithms | Chp. 4 | |
Feb. 21 | Drop date Search Algorithms. | Chp. 4 | PS5 due (Programming) |
Feb. 23 | Robocup case studies. | The CMUnited-98 Champion Simulator Team. | |
Feb. 28 | Robocup case studies. | The CMUnited-99 Champion Simulator Team The magmafreiburg soccer team. BDI design principles and cooperative implementation in robocup | |
Mar. 1 | Presentations. Intro to Game theory. Distributed Rational Decision Making | Chp. 5 | Final Project Proposal due. |
Mar. 6 | Spring Break. No Classes | ||
Mar. 8 | Spring Break. No Classes | ||
Mar. 13 | Presentations | Final Project Proposal due. | |
Mar. 15 | Presentations. | PS6 due | |
Mar. 20 | Distributed Rational Decision Making | Chp. 5. Democratic symmetry: The mathematics of voting - Is there a fair voting system? Scientic American asks the experts. | |
Mar. 22 | Distributed Rational Decision Making- Voting | Chp. 5.3 | |
Mar. 27 | Distributed Rational Decision Making- Auctions | Chp. 5.4 | |
Mar. 29 | Distributed Rational Decision Making- Bargaining, Market Equilibrium | Chp. 5.6-5.7 | |
Apr. 3 | Distributed Rational Decision Making | Chp. 5 | |
Apr. 5 | Distributed Rational Decision Making | Chp. 5 | |
Apr. 10 | Agent-Based Software Engineering | On agent-based software engineering | PS7 due |
Apr. 12 | No Class | Drop by my office for individual help/questions, if needed. | |
Apr. 17 | Final Project Presentations | YETIS, SoccerBots, Team Knights, GREAT | |
Apr. 19 | Final Project Presentations | Tamki, Carolina Tigers, Biter, USC2000 | |
Apr. 24 | No Classes | ||
Apr. 26 | Tournament | ||
May 3 | Final writeups due at 10am |