EECE 822: PS 2
Due: Monday, 31 January 2000
You will do this problem set individually and hand in
hardcopies to me before class on Monday. The first page of your
hand-in will be the signed coversheet.
Problem 1 (30%): Problem 2 from Chapter 1 in the textbook.
Problem 2 (30%): Problem 3 from Chapter 1 in the textbook.
Problem 3 (40%):
Do one of the two problems below. You must provide enough detail
so that an implementation of your agent is possible from the
description (even if not trivially easy).
- Describe in pseudo-code the behaviors you would use to
implement a reactive soccer player. Your agent should be able
to score goals (on occasion) and should show some awareness of
the fact that it is part of a team. Assume that all the agents
in your team will use the same behavior. You must describe the
behaviors as if-then rules (as done in the book) and give
their inhibition order.
- Describe how you might implement a soccer player using a
BDI architecture. Describe the sets of Beliefs, name all the
Desires that your agent will have, name all the Intentions
that it will have and explain which Desires instantiate which
Intentions. If some Intentions override each other, explain
how the problem is solved. Your agent should be able to score
goals (on occasion) and should show some awareness of the fact
that it is part of a team. Assume that all the agents in your
team will use the same behavior.
Jose M. Vidal
Last modified: Mon Jan 31 13:54:47 EST 2000