class CBNSCliqueBase

All the common attributes present in Clique and Separator are present in this class


Public Fields

static int m_nCounter
This variable is used to check for the memory leak in the program


Constructor and Destrutor
CBNSCliqueBase ()
Default Constructor
virtual ~CBNSCliqueBase ()
Update Functions
void AddNode (CBNSNode * pNode)
Adds a node to the Clique/Separator
void AddNodeSet (CBNSSet<CBNSNode*> nodeSet)
Adds a node set to the Clique/Separator
void AddProbNode (CBNSNode *pNode)
Adds a Probability node to the Clique/Separator
void RemoveNode (CBNSNode * pNode)
Removes a node from the Clique/Separator
void RemoveNodeSet (CBNSSet<CBNSNode*> nodeSet)
Removes a node set from the Clique/Separator
Out Functions
double GetPriorProbValue (vector &vStateIndex)
Returns the probability value for the given states of the nodes in the clique
void GetNextState (vector& vStateIndex)
Given the current states of the nodes in vStateIndex, the next state is returned in vStateIndex
CBNSProbVector GetPriorProbability ()
Returns the Prior Probability table of the Clique/Separator
CBNSProbVector* GetPotential ( )
Return the pointer to the potential table
CBNSSet <CBNSNode*> GetNodes ()
Returns the set of nodes assigned to the Clique/Separator
In Functions
void SetPotential (CBNSProbVector& vProbVector)
Sets the potential table of the Clique/Separator
void SetEvidence (CBNSNode* pNode, int nStateIndex)
Sets the Evidence for a Node to a particular state
Computation of Marginal Distributions
CBNSProbVector ComputeMarginal (CBNSSet<CBNSNode*>& cNodeSet)
Computes the Marginal Distribution
CBNSProbVector ComputeBeliefVector (CBNSNode* pNode)
Computes the Belief Vector of pNode and returns the values in a CBNSProbVector
Other Utility Functions
void UpdateClique ()
Updates the Clique/Separator
void UpdatePriorProbability ()
Updates the prior probability table
void PrintNodeProbabilities ()
Prints the node probabilities to the console
void PrintPotentialTable ()
Prints the potential table of the Clique/Separator


Protected Member Variables
CBNSProbVector m_cPotentialTable
Potential Table
CBNSProbVector m_cPriorProbability
Prior Probability
CBNSProbVector m_cUpdateRatio
Update Ratio
CBNSSet <CBNSNode*> m_cNodes
CBNSSet of Pointers to Nodes


All the common attributes present in Clique and Separator are present in this class. The CBNSClique and CBNSSeparator data structures are derived from this class.
static int m_nCounter
This variable is used to check for the memory leak in the program

Constructor and Destrutor

Default Constructor

virtual ~CBNSCliqueBase()

Update Functions

void AddNode(CBNSNode * pNode)
Adds a node to the Clique/Separator
pNode - a pointer to CBNSNode

void AddNodeSet(CBNSSet<CBNSNode*> nodeSet)
Adds a node set to the Clique/Separator
nodeSet - CBNSSet of Pointers to CBNSNode

void AddProbNode(CBNSNode *pNode)
Adds a Probability node to the Clique/Separator
pNode - a pointer to CBNSNode

void RemoveNode(CBNSNode * pNode)
Removes a node from the Clique/Separator
pNode - a pointer to CBNSNode

void RemoveNodeSet(CBNSSet<CBNSNode*> nodeSet)
Removes a node set from the Clique/Separator
nodeSet - CBNSSet of Pointers to CBNSNode

Out Functions

double GetPriorProbValue(vector &vStateIndex)
Returns the probability value for the given states of the nodes in the clique
vStateIndex - a vector indicates the states of the nodes and the nodes are ordered based on their IDs

void GetNextState(vector& vStateIndex)
Given the current states of the nodes in vStateIndex, the next state is returned in vStateIndex
vStateIndex - a vector indicates the states of the nodes and is passed by reference

CBNSProbVector GetPriorProbability()
Returns the Prior Probability table of the Clique/Separator

CBNSProbVector* GetPotential( )
Return the pointer to the potential table
a pointer to CBNSProbVector

CBNSSet <CBNSNode*> GetNodes()
Returns the set of nodes assigned to the Clique/Separator

In Functions

void SetPotential(CBNSProbVector& vProbVector)
Sets the potential table of the Clique/Separator
vProbVector - a reference to CBNSProbVector

void SetEvidence(CBNSNode* pNode, int nStateIndex)
Sets the Evidence for a Node to a particular state
pNode - a pointer to a node for which the evidence is set
nStateIndex - the probability of state nStateIndex is set to 1

Computation of Marginal Distributions

CBNSProbVector ComputeMarginal(CBNSSet<CBNSNode*>& cNodeSet)
Computes the Marginal Distribution
cNodeSet - CBNSSet of pointers to nodes

CBNSProbVector ComputeBeliefVector(CBNSNode* pNode)
Computes the Belief Vector of pNode and returns the values in a CBNSProbVector
a - pointer to CBNSNode

Other Utility Functions

void UpdateClique()
Updates the Clique/Separator

void UpdatePriorProbability()
Updates the prior probability table

void PrintNodeProbabilities()
Prints the node probabilities to the console

void PrintPotentialTable()
Prints the potential table of the Clique/Separator

Protected Member Variables

CBNSProbVector m_cPotentialTable
Potential Table

CBNSProbVector m_cPriorProbability
Prior Probability

CBNSProbVector m_cUpdateRatio
Update Ratio

CBNSSet <CBNSNode*> m_cNodes
CBNSSet of Pointers to Nodes

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling