Software Engineering for Internet Applications
create table users ( user_id integer primary key, first_names varchar(50), last_name varchar(50) not null, email varchar(100) not null unique, password varchar(30) not null, registration_date timestamp(0) ); create table users_extra_info ( user_info_id integer primary key, user_id not null references users, field_name varchar(100) not null, field_type varchar(100) not null, -- one of the three columns below will be non-NULL varchar_value varchar(4000), blob_value blob, date_value timestamp(0), check ( not (varchar_value is null and blob_value is null and date_value is null)) -- in a real system, you'd probably have additional columns -- to store when each row was inserted and by whom ); -- make it fast to get all extra fields for a particular user create index users_extra_info_by_user on users_extra_info(user_id);
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