Software Engineering for Internet Applications
create table users ( user_id integer primary key, first_names varchar(50), last_name varchar(50) not null, email varchar(100) not null unique, password varchar(30) not null, -- user's personal homepage elsewhere on the Internet url varchar(200), registration_date timestamp(0) -- an optional photo; if Oracle Intermedia Image is installed -- use the image datatype instead of BLOB portrait blob, -- with a 4 GB maximum, we're all set for Life of Johnson biography clob, birthdate date, -- current politically correct column name would be "gender" -- but data models often outlive linguistic fashion so -- we stick with more established usage sex char(1) check (sex in ('m','f')), country_code char(2) references country_codes(iso), postal_code varchar(80), home_phone varchar(100), work_phone varchar(100), mobile_phone varchar(100), pager varchar(100), fax varchar(100), aim_screen_name varchar(50), icq_number varchar(50) );
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