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Title: An equal excess model for coalition formation
Author: Samuel S. Komorita
Journal: Behavioral Science
Volume: 24
Number: 6
Pages: 369--381
Month: November
Year: 1979
Abstract: Current theories of coalition formation in decision processes of systems at the level of the group lack generality in that some theories do not predict which coalitions are likely to form while others make predictions in only a narrow range of conditions. A model of coalition formation is proposed which predicts coalition formation in a variety of situations. Comparisons between predicted and observed results of studies using different coalition paradigms show considerable empirical support for the model. Despite some ambiguity in specifying the effects of some situational variables, the model provides a framework with which to study the processes of coalition formation and to examine the effects of such situational factors.

  author =	 {Samuel S. Komorita},
  title =	 {An equal excess model for coalition formation},
  journal =	 {Behavioral Science},
  year =	 1979,
  month =	 {November},
  volume =	 24,
  number =	 6,
  pages =	 {369--381},
  abstract =	 {Current theories of coalition formation in decision
                  processes of systems at the level of the group
                  lack generality in that some theories do not predict
                  which coalitions are likely to form while others
                  make predictions in only a narrow range of
                  conditions. A model of coalition formation is
                  proposed which predicts coalition formation in a
                  variety of situations. Comparisons between predicted
                  and observed results of studies using different
                  coalition paradigms show considerable empirical
                  support for the model. Despite some ambiguity in
                  specifying the effects of some situational variables,
                  the model provides a framework with which to study
                  the processes of coalition formation and to examine
                  the effects of such situational factors.},
  url = 	 {}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:13:33 EST 2011