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Title: Other Solutions to Nash's Bargaining Problem
Author: Ehud Kalai and Meir Smorodinsky
Journal: Econometrica
Volume: 43
Pages: 513--518
Month: May
Year: 1975
Abstract: A two-person bargaining problem is considered. It is shown that under four axioms that describe the behavior of players there is a unique solution to such a problem. The axioms and the solution presented are different from those suggested by Nash. Also, families of solutions which satisfy a more limited set of axioms and which are continuous are discussed.

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  author =	 {Ehud Kalai and Meir Smorodinsky},
  title =	 {Other Solutions to Nash's Bargaining Problem},
  journal =	 {Econometrica},
  year =	 1975,
  volume =	 43,
  pages =	 {513--518},
  month =	 {May},
  googleid = 	 {},
  abstract =	 {A two-person bargaining problem is considered. It is
                  shown that under four axioms that describe the
                  behavior of players there is a unique solution to
                  such a problem. The axioms and the solution
                  presented are different from those suggested by
                  Nash. Also, families of solutions which satisfy a
                  more limited set of axioms and which are continuous
                  are discussed.},
  keywords = 	 {economics negotiation},
  url = 	 {},
  cluster = 	 {5577957969479266825}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:13:32 EST 2011