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Title: Finding Nucleolus of Flow Game
Author: Xiaotie Deng, Qizhi Fang, and Xiaoxun Sun
Book Tittle: SODA
Year: 2006
Abstract: We study the algorithmic issues of finding the nucleolus of a flow game. The flow game is a cooperative game defined on a network D = (V,E,w). The player set is E and the value of a coalition S is defined as the value of the maximum flow from source to sink in the subnetwork induced by S. We show that the nucleolus of the flow game defined on a simple network (w(e) = 1 for each e in E) can be computed in polynomial time by a linear program duality approach, settling a twenty-three years old conjecture by Kalai and Zemel. In contrast, we prove that both computation and recognition of the nucleolus are NP-hard for flow games with general capacity.

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  author =	 {Xiaotie Deng and Qizhi Fang and Xiaoxun Sun},
  title =	 {Finding Nucleolus of Flow Game},
  booktitle =	 {{SODA}},
  year =	 2006,
  abstract =	 {We study the algorithmic issues of finding the
                  nucleolus of a flow game. The flow game is a
                  cooperative game defined on a network D =
                  (V,E,w). The player set is E and the value of a
                  coalition S is defined as the value of the maximum
                  flow from source to sink in the subnetwork induced
                  by S. We show that the nucleolus of the flow game
                  defined on a simple network (w(e) = 1 for each e in
                  E) can be computed in polynomial time by a linear
                  program duality approach, settling a twenty-three
                  years old conjecture by Kalai and Zemel. In
                  contrast, we prove that both computation and
                  recognition of the nucleolus are NP-hard for flow
                  games with general capacity.},
  keywords =     {economics game-theory},
  url =		 {},
  cluster = 	 {7614503354907664532}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:16:33 EST 2011