CSCE 782: Final Project
Due: 11 December 2002 @ 2:30pm
The final project consists of a RoboCup tournament. Each group
will consist of 1-3 students and will be responsible for one
soccer team. At the end of the semester we will have a
tournament where, hopefully, every team will play every other
team (time permitting). Your grade will not be entirely
determined by your performance in this competition, the
competition is meant as a way for you to observe the robustness
of the techniques you've developed. You should visit the Biter homepage. In there you will
find the Biter source code as well as other implementations. You
can use any one of these implementations as base code for you to
build upon. You can download the soccerserver from the soccerserver
homepage. We will be using version 9.0.3.
Tournament Setup
For the tournament, the robocup server
will run on one of the Unix machines in the lab. Your team will
run on one (or more) other machines. You must make sure that you
can talk to a server in a different machine otherwise you will
not be able to participate. The tournament will take place on
the 4 of December during regular class hour, but it might go on
for an hour longer than normal. The soccerserver will be run
using this rcssserver-server.conf
file. So, you must make sure you place that file in the
directory that biter resides, as well as start the server with the command:
rcssserver/src/rcssserver -sfile rcssserver-server.conf
This configuration file turns off noise and makes some
other things easier for you. I also turned on logging. You will
want to replay these logs with the logplayer to see exactly what
your players are doing. If there are issues with it let me know
early on.
Submission Instructions
As will all the problem sets, you will hand them in using our
department's dropbox. You will hand in all your source code, the
javadoc, and the final writeup. The final writeup is a
document that explains to the reader your approach
for solving the robocup problem. It should include:
- A Distribution of labor, which includes the percentage of
the work done by each of the team members, and what parts each
worked on. The final grade will be distributed among the
teammembers using the percentages you give me.
- The design of your project (include UML diagrams). Why you
chose each particular aspect. An overview of your architecture:
the different pieces and how they relate. Your plan for winning
the game.
- Explain each of the technologies you used.
- Explain any technologies or techniques that your group invented.
- Conclusion. Lessons you learned from the tournament.What additions/modifications would you make to the system to make it perform better.
- I expected this code to be well-commented following the Javadoc format.
- Detailed instructions on how to run your program. A Makefile would be best.
- The document should start with:
I understand that it is the responsibility of every member of the
Carolina community to uphold an maintain the academic standards and
integrity of the University of South Carolina. Any member of the
University community, who has reasonable grounds to believe that an
infraction of the Code of Student Academic Responsibility has
occurred, has an obligation to report the alleged violation.
I certify that I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on
this problem set.
José M. Vidal
Last modified: Wed Oct 2 11:52:37 EDT 2002