Date |
Topic |
Reading |
Homework |
Aug. 27 |
Introduction.Formal agent models. |
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 1. |
Aug. 29 |
Logic, reactive, BDI and layered architectures. AOP. |
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 1.
UML Diagrams for BDI and Subsumption Architectures
Sept. 3 |
No Classes |
Sept. 5 |
Intro to MAS. Languages. |
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 2.
Sept. 10 |
FIPA Introduction, FIPA ACL |
Jonathan Dale and Ebrahim Mamdani. Open Standards for Interoperating Agent-Based Systems. AgentLink News,6. 2001.
FIPA Abstract Architecture Specification. 2001.
FIPA ACL Message Structure Specification. 2001.
FIPA Communicative Act Library Specification. 2001.
FIPA Interaction Protocol Library Specification. 2001.
FIPA Contract Net Interaction Protocol Specification. 2001.
FIPA Iterated Contract Net Interaction Protocol Specification. 2001.
FIPA English Auction Interaction Protocol Specification. 2001.
Sept. 12 |
Semantic Web,
also see the Berners-Lee
slides |
Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, and Ora Lasilla. The Semantic Web. Scientific American,2001.
James Hendler. Agents and the Semantic Web. IEEE Intelligent Systems,(16)2. 2001.
The Semantic Web: Technetcast video of Tim Berners-Lee's talk for XML2000. 7 Dec 2000.
from the Semantic Web Working Symposium, 2001.
Sept. 17 |
Michel Klein. Tutorial: The Semantic Web. IEEE Intelligent Systems,(16)2. 2001.
Stefan Decker, Sergey Melnik, Frank Van Harmelen, Dieter Fensel, Michel Klein, Jeen Broekstra, Michael Erdmann, and Ian Horrocks. The Semantic Web: The Roles of XML and RDF. IEEE Internet Computing,(4)5. 2000.
Frank van Harmelen, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, and Ian Horrocks. DAML+OIL Walkthru. 2001.
Sept. 19 |
Test 1 |
Sept. 24 |
P. Buckle and R. Hadingham. FIPA-OS: FIPA Everywhere. 1999. Presentation.
FIPA-OS Developer's Guide.
FIPA-OS Tutorials.
(Extra)The FIPA-OS homepage has more information.
(Extra)The FIPA-OS Javadocs.
Sept. 26 |
Fabio Bellifemine, Agostino Poggi, and Giovanni Rimassa. JADE - A FIPA-compliant agent framework. 1999.
Fabio Bellifemine, Giovanni Caire, Tiziana Truco, and Giovanni Rimasa. JADE Programmer's Guide. 2001.
Fabio Bellifemine and Giovanni Caire and Tiziana Truco and Giovanni Rimasa. JADE Administrators's Guide. 2000.
(Extra)The Jade Homepage.
Oct. 1 |
Agent-Based Software Engineering. Distributed Problem Solving |
Nicholas R. Jennings. On agent-based software engineering. Artificial Intelligence,2000.
Nick R. Jennings. Coordination Techniques for Distributed Artificial Intelligence,. In G. M. P. O'Hare and N. R. Jennings, editors, Foundations of Distributed Artificial Intelligence,Wiley. 187--210, 1996.
Edmund H. Durfee. Scaling Up Agent Coordination Strategies. IEEE Computer,(34) 7, 2001.
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 3.
(Extra) Nick Jenning's slides from his OOPSLA 2000 Keynote.
Oct. 3 |
Distributed Problem Solving. Search Algorithms |
Nick R. Jennings. Coordination Techniques for Distributed Artificial Intelligence,. In G. M. P. O'Hare and N. R. Jennings, editors, Foundations of Distributed Artificial Intelligence,Wiley. 187--210, 1996.
Edmund H. Durfee. Scaling Up Agent Coordination Strategies. IEEE Computer,(34) 7, 2001.
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 3.
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 4.
Oct. 8 |
Search Algorithms |
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 4. |
Oct. 10 |
Search Algorithms |
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 4. |
Oct. 15 |
No Classes |
Oct. 17 |
Test 2 |
PS 1 due |
Oct. 22 |
Robocup. |
Stacy Marsella, Milind Tambe, Jafar Adibi, Yaser Al-Onaiza, Gal A. Kaminka, and Ion Muslea. Experiences Acquired in the Design of RoboCup Teams: A Comparison of Two Fielded Teams. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems,(4)1/2:115--129, 2001.
Soccerserver Manual
Robocup Simulator- Download and Install
Oct. 24 |
Biter. Ants. Introduction to Game Theory. |
Paul Buhler and José M. Vidal. Biter: A Platform for the Teaching and Research of Multiagent Systems' Design using RoboCup. In Proceedings of the Robocup International Symposium,2001.
Biter : A Robocup Client- Dowload and Install
Peter Stone, Manuela Veloso, and Patrick Riley. The CMUnited-98 Champion Simulator Team. M. Asada and H. Kitano ed.In RoboCup-98: Robot Soccer World Cup II,Springer-Verlag. 1999.
C. Ronald Kube and Eric Bonabeau. Cooperative Transport By Ants and Robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems,:85--101, 2000.
(Extra)Intro to Game Theory
Oct. 29 |
Introduction to Game Theory. Voting. |
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 5.1-5.3
Is there a fair voting system?. Scientific American asks the experts.
Oct. 31 |
Auctions |
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 5.4
Amy Greenwald and Peter Stone. Autonomous Bidding Agents in the Trading Agent Competition. IEEE Internet Computing,(5)2, 2001.
Nov. 5 |
Bargaining, Contract Net, Coalition Formation |
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 5.5-5.7
Nov. 7 |
Test 3 |
Nov. 12 |
Learning in MAS |
Gerhard Weiss. Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. MIT Press. 1999. Chapter 6
| |
Nov. 14 |
Learning in MAS, Peer to Peer Systems
Andy Oram. Peer-to-Peer.
O'Reilly. 2001. Chapter 1.
Andy Oram. Gnutella
and Freenet.
Nov. 19 |
Peer to Peer Systems. Go to the Ant |
H. Van Dyke Parunak. ``Go to the Ant'': Engineering Principles from Natural Agent Systems. Annals of Operation Research,(75):69--101, 1997.
Nov. 21 |
No Classes |
Nov. 26 |
Go to the Ant |
Nov. 28 |
Collective Intelligence (COIN) |
David Wolpert, Kevin Wheeler, and Kagan Tumer. General Principles of Learning-Based Multi-Agent Systems. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automomous Agents,:77--83, 1999.
David Wolpert and Kagan Tumer. Optimal Payoff Functions for Members of Collectives. Advances in Complex Systems, 2001.
Dec. 3 |
Test 4 |
Dec. 5 |
Tournament. 3pm-6pm in SWGN 1D39 |