Final Grades are IN |
Posted on Saturday December 11, 12:24PM |
I have finished grading the final and assigned final
grades. You can check out the final
exam with solutions an comments, as well as the final grades for the
First of all, I would like to sincerely congratulate
those of you who worked hard and received a good
grade on this class. I know that for many of you
this was more work than you had
anticipated. Unfortunately, as I keep repeating, the
only way to learn to program is by programming, a
lot. This requires one to spend a lot of often
frustating hours in front of the computer. However,
there is no other way around it. Many of you rose to
the challenge and now possess the mental tools
needed to tackle a wide range of software
engineering problems. Good deal!
On the other hand, there are some who only seem to
have a rudimentary knowledge of C++ and data
structures. The grades reflect this.
I also want to apologize for making the exams
include so much programming. I realize that making
someone write a small program under such a tight
deadline is a form of torture (in the business world
it is known as a "death march") but it is the only
way I can determine which students have actually
done the homeworks. In a perfect world I would base
the grade solely on your problems sets. Alas, given
the current "culture" that would not be fair to the
students that actually perform the work. So, I have
to submit these same students to the exam torture. I
wish there was a better a way.
Anyway, I had a lot of fun teaching this class. I
hope you all got your money's worth.
Happy Holidays!
You can pick up your final outside my office, some
have comments on them.
Final Exam in Amoco Hall |
Posted on Tuesday November 30, 12:23PM |
The final exam will be held in the Amoco Hall on Thursday December 9 at
9am. You will have 3 hours. Please be there on time.
Grades after Exam 2 |
Posted on Tuesday November 09, 01:23PM |
I realize many of you are concerned about your grades. As I said in
class, since the final is comprehensive if you do well in the final I
will take that into consideration when assigning final grades. That
is, a good grade on the final might help you move up one letter grade
higher than you would have otherwise received, if you were close
enough to start with.
I cannot stress enough the importance of doing the problem sets. The
only way to learn C++ is by actually using it, a lot. I realize that
this is very time consuming but no one has yet found a better
way. Also, the knowledge you learn with each program you write is
cummulative. That is, you always learn something new, even after years
of programming.
Finally, I have generated a graph with your current grade distributions. These are your current
grades using PS1--PS8, exam 1, and exam 2, using their respective
weights. For the PSs I just took the average of PS1--PS8 and did not
eliminate the lowest two grades. This means that you can probably
expect the the actual grades to be a bit higher, especially since many
of you chose not to do PS8.
Test Location |
Posted on Monday November 01, 09:56AM |
As I mentioned in class, the next test will be held in room
3C01 in Swearingen, be there, early!
Fun Stuff: TV for Geeks |
Posted on Tuesday October 26, 05:08PM |
I just came across Dr. Dobb's
technetcast which has video and audio interviews with luminaries
from the software engineering field. I recommend the interview with
Stroustrup (you know, the father of C++). As a bonus, you will hear
how to correctly pronounce his name.
AVL Tree Animation |
Posted on Thursday October 21, 11:00AM |
I found an applet
that animates AVL trees. However, it does not clearly show which node
is unbalanced and what rotations are performed. Remember that you must
find the deepest unbalanced node and that node will be the
"root" of the template tree for rotations (the one I showed in class),
which you use to determine wheter the new node was added on the
"inside" (double rotation) or on the "outsise" (single rotation).
Error in PS7 |
Posted on Thursday October 14, 11:06AM |
There was an error in the main.cpp comments on PS7. I have used new
sample lists (i1 and i2) in order to show how the merge function you
implement is supposed to merge to sorted lists into one new sorted
list. The PS7 has been updated. The code that changed is the following:
List<int> i1;
i1.push_back(5); i1.push_back(7); i1.push_back(15); i1.push_back(28);
List<int> i2;
i2.push_back(2); i2.push_back(6); i2.push_back(8); i2.push_back(21);
i1.merge(i2); cout << i1 << endl; cout << i2 << endl;
The digital workforce and other stuff |
Posted on Tuesday September 28, 11:25AM |
I have a couple of things:
- Here is the link to the Digital
Workforce report. It is highly informative: job titles, salaries,
skills in demand, etc.
- I want to encourage more of you to post your questions or
musings to the forum. Note that you do not need to use your full (or
even real) name, if you feel that it will help you ask needed
questions. I would also like to get some feedback/discussion on how
the class is going, how much you are learning, what would you change,
- You can see the grade distribution for Exam 1 on the left. Those
of you who did not show up for class (shame on you :-) Ive placed your
tests right outside my office.
Problems downloading files |
Posted on Friday September 24, 09:55AM |
There is a problem with the setup of Internet Explorer in rooms 1D15
and 1D11. Basically, IE will not allow you download files
(specifically, Word documents). Matt Byrd is in charge of maintaining
those labs and is working to fix this problem. In the meantime, try
using another lab. Update: Friday September 24, 02:41PM David
London tells me that the same problem is affecting the NCR lab. He is
working on fixing it.
Hurricane Floyd |
Posted on Tuesday September 14, 04:46PM |
At this time, we don't know if there will be classes tomorrow or
Thursday. You can check here for the latest official
USC information on that. If we don't have class Thursday that will
just mean that the material I would have covered then will not be on
the Exam of next week. And, please, be safe and take care. Update:
Thursday September 16, 09:40AM Well, we are back up. They turned
off my computer so the webserver was not available yesterday, sorry
about that. Since there is no class today the first test will cover
everything we did up to last Tuesday. Next Tuesday will be a
review. PLEASE bring any and all your questions to class, otherwise I
might not have much to talk about.
On a completely unrelated note, I just came across this
about Don E. Knuth, which I thought you might find interesting.
Using member functions as arguments to sort |
Posted on Friday September 10, 10:55AM |
When trying to sort a container using sort(container.begin(),
container.end(), compfunction) you should make sure that
compfunction is a globally defined function. That is, it should not
be a member function of some class. The C++ standard library explains
how you can use member functions in these situations (you wrap them
using mem_fun_ref). However, VC++ 6.0 has not implemented
this feature correctly (i.e. it does not compile), so we will not be
using it.
PS1 Graded, procedure for handing back |
Posted on Tuesday September 07, 02:35PM |
PS1 has been graded. You can pick up your graded PS just outside my
door. They will not be handed back in class, so you must drop by if
you want it. I have posted the grade distribution, you can see it on
the left menu.In the future, whenever I post the grades it will mean
that I have also placed the graded problem sets outside my door.
Also, I think most of you did very well. Still, some of you are doing
some pretty weird things. You should all read the comments
Buddy wrote on your PS and study my solutions.
PS3 Hints |
Posted on Tuesday September 07, 11:02AM |
I forgot to mention in the file that you can easily access the i'th element of a string, as such: (NOTE that the i'th element is of type char, not of type string.)
string s;
for (int i = 0; i< s.size(); i++)
cout << s[i] << endl;
PS2 operator>> clarifications. |
Posted on Thursday September 02, 03:13PM |
I rewrote the description of how to implement operator>> is
PS2. Hopefully its somewhat clearer now.
Handing in Problem Sets, Part 2 |
Posted on Thursday September 02, 11:49AM |
Well, it seems some of you are trying to make Buddy's life more
difficult. I want to assure you that such behavior can only have a
negative effect on his perception of your work. If you want to attain
his favor, and not lose extra points, you will:
- Staple and order the printouts such that the header file comes
before its corresponding .cpp file.
- Write your name and the name of the file at the top of each file.
- Include an explanation of any "out of the ordinary" things you
have done. (you know who you are ;-)
About postincrement++ and ++preincrement in for loops |
Posted on Thursday September 02, 11:31AM |
There appears to be some confusion about the effects of ++ on a for loop. I am not sure where it comes from but
my "Deitel and Deitel" C++ book states in page 84 that
++counter, counter++, counter +=1, and
counter = counter + 1 are all equivalent in the incrementing
portion of the for structure. The
increment expression in the for structure
acts like a stand-alone statement at the end of the body of the for. The same is also true for
iterators. Specifically, the 4 for loops
in the program below all print "1 2 3" (try it and see!). If the
confusion stems from some other use of the for loop, please email me.
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
list<int> l;
list<int>::const_iterator li;
for (li = l.begin(); li != l.end(); ++li){ cout << *li << " ";
cout << endl;
for (li = l.begin(); li != l.end(); li++){ cout << *li << " ";
cout << endl;
int i;
for (i =1; i < 4; ++i){ cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
for (i =1; i < 4; i++){ cout << i << " ";
return 0;
Solutions to PS1 and others. |
Posted on Wednesday September 01, 09:35AM |
I have posted the solutions to PS1.You can see the link on the left. I
have also created a directory called "Solutions" on the class folder
(\\Engr_asu\ECE352\Solutions\) and placed another copy there. I will
do this for all subsequent problem set solutions.
About the Handing-in of Problem Sets |
Posted on Tuesday August 31, 02:36PM |
The printout of the problem sets is due at 9:30am, just before
class. If you are not going to be able to wake up that early just slip
the printout under my door the night before. I have not deducted the
20% for late problem sets this week, but next week I will have to.
Hints for Using the Forum |
Posted on Tuesday August 31, 10:56AM |
It looks like many of you are reading the forum; this is good. I
should mention a few hints on how to use it. First, you should give
your question a descriptive subject, one that tells the other students
what its all about. Also, note that there is a button "Older Messages"
which shows the older messages that cannot fit on the first
screen. There is also a "Collapse Threads" button which does what it
Static Member Variable in Template Class |
Posted on Friday August 27, 01:50PM |
One of you asked me how to
initialize static member variables in a template class. I have the
answer now. (you do not need to do this for PS 1 or 2). Here is
an example of how to do it: (Quiz: whats the difference between a static member
variable and a regular one?)
template<class Etype> class Sec {
static int count;
template<class Etype>
int Sec<Etype>::count = 10;
Bug in PS1 Handout |
Posted on Friday August 20, 09:49AM |
There is a bug in the printout I
gave you of PS1. It uses "#include <iostream.h>" instead of
"#include <iostream>", "using namespace std;". I have fixed this on
the online version.
Other Help on C++ |
Posted on Thursday August 19, 05:02PM |
I moved all the "other help"
pointers to their own page. I highly recommend you read the C++
review documents (in the "other help" page, they are much better than
my slides), as well as the Appendix A in the book. Even if you know C++ you
will find it useful to review them.
VC++ Bug: friend functions cannot access private data members |
Posted on Thursday August 19, 11:52AM |
If you try to place a "using
namespace std;" before a friend declaration VC++ 6.0 will not let you
access the private data members from the friend function, even thought
you should be able to (they are friends). Microsoft provides a
patch. You can either apply this patch to VC++ 6.0, or go to the
patch page and look at Test1.cpp for a simple workaround. It aint
pretty, but it works.
352 Folders for Handing-in Problem Sets |
Posted on Thursday August 19, 11:45AM |
If you do not find your username in the homework folders (as
detailed above), please tell me as soon as possible. Not having a
folder will not be a valid excuse for a late homework. For those of
you who did not attend class (and I hope there are not many) note that
we changed the meeting room (see above). The old room was too small to
fit all of us.