UDDI and WS-Inspection


  1. Divide the WSDL description into two files.
    • One file includes the data types, messages, portTypes, and bindings. It is known as the interface description.
    • The other file includes just the service definition. It is known as the implementation description. Use wsdl:import to import the first one.
  2. Register the interface description as a UDDI TModel and mark the TModel as one that represents a WSDL interface description (whose WSDL file must be available in a website).
  3. Specify that the service is an instance of this TModel.
  4. Provide a link to the WSDL implementation description, which must also be available in a website.
  5. Initialize the proxy and call the save_service operation to register the service.

José M. Vidal .

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