
Sample Presentation

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    <h1 name="index">xslides.el</h1>
      An emacs mode for generating XHMTL presentations. Written by
      Jos&eacute; M. Vidal.

    <h1 name="intro">Introduction</h1>
        <li>A mode I wrote to generate my <a

        <li>I use XEmacs. </li>

        <li>Each presentation is an XML file. xslides parses this file
        and generates all the individual slides.</li>

        <li>Most of the XML file is XHTML, with a few special tags I
        have created for special purpose (no, no namespaces,
        yet). </li>

    <h1 name="requirements">Requirements</h1>
        <li>XEmacs (emacs might also work). </li>

        <li>Must be fluent in emacs and elisp (for now?). </li>

        <li>Slides use CSS and MathML. They are delivered as .xml. Mozilla 1.2 can handle this. </li>

        <li>Uses xml.el, with a couple of bugfixes I made.</li>


    <h1 name="motivation">Motivation</h1>
        <li>Fast talk generation.</li>

        <li>Explore the power of the new medium. xslides is meant to
        be used with a computer and projector (<b>not</b> for printing
            <li>Scroll: I can have program listings! </li>


            <li>Multiple style sheets and views of data.</li>

            <li>Cross-linking across presentations. </li>

        <li>Integration with emacs work environment. 

            <li>HTML mode: xslides is only a minor mode.</li>

            <li>bibcite: minimal as of now. </li>

            <li>quickurl: not yet </li>


    <h1 name="features">Features</h1>
        <li>Multiple stylesheets can be selected at runtime (on
        Mozilla go to View-&gt;Stylesheet). Stylesheet chosen is
        maintained throughout presentation.</li>

        <li>Automatically generates <a href="allslides.xml">all in one
        page</a> summary&mdash;good for printing. </li>

        <li>Generates a <a href="frameindex.xml">framed view</a>. </li>

        <li>Automatically shows files with the same colors as you see
        them in emacs. </li>


    <h1 name="sample">Sample Presentation</h1>
        <li>You can get the <a href="sourcecode.html">source code</a>
        for this presentation. </li>

      <include href="sourcecode.html" parse="htmlize"/>

    <h1 name="animation">Simple Animation</h1>
      <li>Create simple animations by hiding text within nested
       &lt;hide&gt;&lt;/hide&gt; elements. They will appear on
      succesive slides, like so:</li>
        <li>First nesting level</li>
        <li>First nesting level</li>
          <li>Second nesting level</li>
              <li>Third nesting level</li>
      <li>Last line</li>

    <h1 name="includeslide">Include Slide: htmlize</h1>
        <li>To include a file and have it show as it would on emacs use:</li>

        <li>&lt;include href="Event.java" parse="htmlize"&gt;&lt;/include&gt;</li>

      <include href="Event.java" parse="htmlize"></include>
    <h1 name="includeslidet">Include Slide: text</h1>
        <li>&lt;include href="Event.txt"

        <li>Note that this text file cannot contain any &lt; or &gt; </li>
      <include href="Event.txt" parse="text"></include>
    <h1 name="includeslideh">Include Slide: html</h1>
        <li>&lt;include href="include.html" parse="html"&gt;&lt;/include&gt;</li>
      <include href="include.html" parse="html"></include>
    <h1 name="includexml">Include Slide: xml</h1>
        <li>&lt;include href="slidetwo.xml.ex" parse="xml"/&gt;&lt;/include&gt;</li>

      <include href="slidetwo.xml.ex" parse="xml"></include>

    <h1 next="math" name="randomtest">Non Linearity</h1>
        <li>Define which slide is <code>next</code> and
        <code>previous</code> by using those attributes in the
        h1. </li>

        <li>Add a link to another slide by using a URL like
        <code>slide:slidename</code> where slidename is the name of
        the slide.</li> 

        <li><a href="slide:sl1">Go To SL 1</a></li>

        <li><a href="slide:sl2">Go To SL 2</a></li> 

        <li><a href="slide:sl3">Go To SL 3</a></li>
    <h2 next="randomtest" previous="randomtest" name="sl1">SL1</h2>



    <h2 next="randomtest" previous="randomtest" name="sl2">SL2</h2>
      <li>First line</li>
        <li>Second line</li>
          <li>Third line</li>

    <h2 next="randomtest" previous="randomtest" name="sl3">SL3</h2>

    <h1 name="float">Float left</h1>

      <div class="floatleft">
        <img class="float" src="sample.png" alt="Sample pic"/>
        <li>The picture is floating to the left. </li>

        <li>of this text. </li>

    <h2 name="floatright">Float Right</h2>

      <div class="floatright">
        <img class="float" src="sample.png" alt="sample"/>
        <li>The picture is floating to the right. </li>

        <li>of this text. </li>

        <li>this is more text. </li>
      <div class="floatleft" style="width:10%">
        <img class="float" src="sample.png" alt="sample"/>
        <li>This picture is floating to the left</li>

        <li>with a fixed width of 10% </li>


    <h1 name="table">Table</h1>

      <div class="center">
        <table  border="1" cellpadding="2">
            <td>A centered  </td>
            <td> table   </td>
            <td>c  </td>
            <td> d </td>
            <td> e </td>
            <td> f </td>
            <td> g </td>
            <td> h </td>
            <td> i </td>
        <li>text after the centered table.</li>

      <div class="floatright">
        <table  border="1" cellpadding="2">
            <td>A table that  </td>
            <td>floats to the   </td>
            <td>right  </td>
            <td> d </td>
            <td> e </td>
            <td> f </td>
            <td> g </td>
            <td> h </td>
            <td> i </td>

        <li>some text</li>

        <li>after the right-floating table. </li>


    <h1 previous="randomtest" name="math">Math</h1>
        <li>Math can be typed inline as TeX equations and will show up
        as MathML in the slides. This is done by using <a

        <li><pre>&#036;E=mc^2&#036;</pre> appears as $E=mc^2$. </li>

        <li><pre>&#036;\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(-1)^n}{n} = \ln 2&#036;</pre>
        appears as $\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(-1)^n}{n} = \ln 2$. </li>

        <li><pre>&#92;[ \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n} \mbox{ is divergent, but } 
 \lim_{n \to \infty} \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1+ 2 - 2}{i} 
 - \ln n \mbox{ exists.}&#92;]</pre> appears as

          \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n} \mbox{ is divergent, but }
          \lim_{n \to \infty} \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1+ 2 - 2}{i} - \ln n
          \mbox{ exists.}

        <li>If the curly bracket below is too small then you probably
        have not installed all the needed fonts.

    <h1 name="download">Download</h1>
        <li>Not yet cleaned up.</li>

        <li>Email me if you are interested.</li>

    <h1 name="install">Installation</h1>
        <li>Not here yet. </li> 

    <h1 name="usage">Usage</h1>
        <li>Not here yet. </li>

    <hr /> 
    <address><a href="mailto:vidal@sc.edu">Jos&eacute; M Vidal</a></address>
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Last modified: Thu Nov 27 23:05:51 EST 2003
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José M. Vidal .

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