The Ruby Programming Language
#EVERY method takes a optional block as its last argument. #A block is either a function ['paul', 'john', 'ringo', 'george'].each do puts 'hi' end #Or, if it starts with |x| then x iterates: ['paul', 'john', 'ringo', 'george'].each do |x| puts x end # the same thing, but with {} ['paul', 'john', 'ringo', 'george'].each { |x| puts x } #You use these for iterators class Grades # *grades will mash up all arguments into an array. def initialize (*grades) @grades = grades end #This method takes no argument BUT # like all methods takes an optional block argument # at the end (block is ALWAYS the last argument). def hiToEach () @grades.length.times do yield #calls the block. end end #This time pass the block a value (i). This method is thus an iterator def eachGrade() @grades.each do |i| yield(i) end end #Of course, the iterator can take arguments def eachBiggerThan(x) if block_given? #use this to check if we are given a block @grades.each do |i| yield(i) if (i >= x) end else puts "You forgot the block!" end end end g =,99,80,77,87) g.hiToEach {puts "hi"} #prints "hi" 5 times #Use the iterator. Notice that this block starts with |x| #Prints out: 105.6 118.8 96.0 92.4 104.4 g.eachGrade do |x| puts x * 1.2 end #Prints out 88 99 87 g.eachBiggerThan(85) do |x| puts x end g.eachBiggerThan(85) # You forgot the block!
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