- The original Internet functioned solely as a peer-to-peer
- While FTP and Telnet were client/server all machines had the
server running.
- Usenet is a system that copies files between computers
without any central control
- Originally it used UUCP to exchange messages between student
in UNC and Duke.
- Later, the Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) was
designed. It uses TCP/IP.
- Usenet works by:
- Each site joins Usenet by setting a news exchange
connection with one other Usenet site.
- Users communicate with one site.
- The site asks the other one for any new news and gives
it any news it has received from its users or any other
- New newsgroups are added by a voting
mechanism. Announcements for votes are posted on
- Anyone can add a group to the alt.
hierarchy. Sites can choose not to carry those news.
- Each message contains a history of the sites its been
on. This way a site knows not to send it to another site
which has already seen it.
- Because of its openness, Usenet suffers from a lot of
José M. Vidal
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