1997 | RMI introduced in JDK 1.1. Initially, RMI was positioned as a natural outgrowth of Remote Procedure Calls (RPC), strictly for enabling calls to be made between Java objects in different virtual machines, and even on different physical machines. |
1998 | JDK 1.2 introduced Java IDL which includes an ORB, IIOP support, and idltojava . |
1999 | RMI over IIOP extension to Java introduced for JDK 1.1.6 and 1.2. This enabled remote objects written in the Java programming language to be accessible from any language via IIOP. |
2000 | J2SE introduced idlj which is written in Java and replaced idltojava |
2001 | J2SE v.1.4 includes support for the Portable Object Adapter, Portable Interceptors, Interoperable Naming Service, GIOP 1.2, and Dynamic Anys |
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