k-Nearest Neighbor Learning
- Assume all instances correspond to point in n-dimensional
- Store all training examples $\langle x_i, f(x_i)
- Given that an instance $x$ is described by its feature vector
\langle a_1(x),a_2(x)\ldots a_n(x)\rangle
we define the distance as
d(x_i,x_j) \equiv \sqrt{\sum_{r=1}^{n}(a_r(x_i)-a_r(x_j))^2}
- Nearest Neighbor: To classify a new instance $x_q$
first locate nearest training example $x_n$, then estimate
$\hat{f}(x_q) \leftarrow f(x_n)$
- $k$-Nearest Neighbor Take a vote among the $k$
nearest neighbors, if discrete $f$. If continuous $f$ then
take mean \[\hat{f}(x_{q}) \leftarrow \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{k}f(x_{i})}{k}\]
José M. Vidal
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