Cascading Style Sheets
{text-indent: length | percentage;}how much to indent the first line of the element.
{text-align: left | center | right | justify;}how to justify the text.
{white-space: pre | nowrap | normal}how to handle whitespace within the xhtml.
{line-height: length | percentage | normal}the space between lines.
{vertical-align: baseline | sub | super | bottom | text-bottom | middle | top | text-top | percentage}how to align the text vertically.
{word-spacing: length | normal;}spacing between words.
{letter-spacing: length | normal;}spacing between letters in a word.
{text-transform: uppercase | lowercase | capitalize | none;}how to transform the text.
{text-decoration: none | underline | overline | line-through | blink}how to decorate. Can have more than one value.
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