The Effects of Cooperation on Multiagent Search in Task-Oriented Domains
S ← Randomly chosen state for step = 1 to 500 maxUtility ← - infinity maxState ← S i ← chooseRandom(A) fort ∈ T if (st = i) // i is doing t for j ∈ A - {i} S' ← S s't ← i if (t ∈ mj ∧ willingToDo(j,S,S')) tmp ← teamUtil(i, S') - teamUtil(i,S) if (tmp > maxUtility) maxUtility ← tmp maxState ← S' endif endif endfor else // i not doing t if (st = i) // i could do t j ← argj ∈ A sj = t // j is doing t S' ← S s'i ← t if (willingToDo(j,S,S')) tmp ← teamUtil(i, S') - teamUtil(i,S) if (tmp > maxUtility) maxUtility ← tmp maxState ← S' endif endif endif endif endfor S ← maxState // Move to best state. endfor
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