Version Space Representation
- The general boundary, $G$, of version space
$VS_{H,D}$ is the set of its maximally general members of $H$
consistent with $D$
\[ G \equiv \{ g \in H \,|\, Consistent(g,D) \wedge (\not \exists_{g' \in H} (g' >_{g} g \wedge Consistent(g',D)))\} \]
- The specific boundary S, of version space
$VS_{H,D}$ is the set of its maximally specific members of $H$
consistent with $D$:
\[ S \equiv \{ s \in H \,|\, Consistent(s,D) \wedge (\not \exists_{s' \in H} (s >_{g} s' \wedge Consistent(s',D)))\} \]
- Every member of the version space lies between these boundaries
\[VS_{H,D} = \{h \in H\,|\, \exists_{s \in S} \exists_{g \in G} g \geq h \geq s\}\]
José M. Vidal
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