Inform and Request
- The semantics are given using a formal (logical) language
called SL, which uses beliefs, desires, and uncertain beliefs.
- FP: is the feasability precondition which the
sender of the message must satisfy in order to send this
- RE: is the rational effect of the action—the
purpose of the message. It cannot be guaranteed since agents
are autonoumous and rational.
- All FIPA-ACL performative semantics are defined in terms
and request
<i, inform(j,φ)>
FP: Biφ ∧ ¬Bi(Bifjφ ∨ Uijjφ)
RE: Bjφ
FP: BiAgent(α,j) ∧ ¬BiIjDone(α)
RE: Done(α)
- Bifφ means that agent i has a definite opinion about
the truth or falsity of φ
- Uifiφ means that i is uncertain about
- Agent(α,j) means that the agent of action α is
- Aside: There is currently some controversy about
the feasability of verifying whether a system obeys the ACL
semantics; since it uses mental states the only way to verify
is by examining the agents' mental states.
José M. Vidal
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