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Title: Protocols for Processes: Programming in the Large for Open Systems
Author: Munindar P. Singh, Amit K. Chopra, Nirmit Desai, and Ashok U. Mallya
Book Tittle: Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications Conference
Pages: 73--84
Year: 2004
Abstract: The modeling and enactment of business processes is being recognized as key to modern information management. The expansion of Web services has increased the attention given to processes, because processes are how services are composed and put to good use. However, current approaches are inadequate for flexibly modeling and enacting processes. These approaches take a logically centralized view of processes, treating a process as an implementation of a composed service. They provide low-level scripting languages to specify how a service may be implemented, rather than what interactions are expected from it. Consequently, existing approaches fail to adequately accommodate the essential properties of the business partners in a process (the partners would be realized via services)---their autonomy (freedom of action), heterogeneity (freedom of design), and dynamism (freedom of configuration). Flexibly represented protocols can provide a more natural basis for specifying processes. Protocols specify what rather than how; thus they naturally maximize the autonomy, heterogeneity, and dynamism of the interacting parties. We are developing an approach for modeling and enacting business processes based on protocols. This paper describes some elements of (1) a conceptual model of processes that will incorporate abstractions based on protocols, roles, and commitments; (2) the semantics or mathematical foundations underlying the conceptual model and mapping global views of processes to the local actions of the parties involved; (3) methodologies involving rule-based reasoning to specify processes in terms of compositions of protocols.

Cited by 7  -  Google Scholar

  author =	 {Munindar P. Singh and Amit K. Chopra and Nirmit
                  Desai and Ashok U. Mallya},
  title =	 {Protocols for Processes: Programming in the Large
                  for Open Systems},
  booktitle =	 {Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Programming,
                  Systems, Languages and Applications Conference},
  pages =	 {73--84},
  googleid = 	 {},
  year =	 2004,
  abstract =	 {The modeling and enactment of business processes is
                  being recognized as key to modern information
                  management. The expansion of Web services has
                  increased the attention given to processes, because
                  processes are how services are composed and put to
                  good use. However, current approaches are inadequate
                  for flexibly modeling and enacting processes. These
                  approaches take a logically centralized view of
                  processes, treating a process as an implementation
                  of a composed service. They provide low-level
                  scripting languages to specify how a service may be
                  implemented, rather than what interactions are
                  expected from it. Consequently, existing approaches
                  fail to adequately accommodate the essential
                  properties of the business partners in a process
                  (the partners would be realized via
                  services)---their autonomy (freedom of action),
                  heterogeneity (freedom of design), and dynamism
                  (freedom of configuration). Flexibly represented
                  protocols can provide a more natural basis for
                  specifying processes. Protocols specify what rather
                  than how; thus they naturally maximize the autonomy,
                  heterogeneity, and dynamism of the interacting
                  parties. We are developing an approach for modeling
                  and enacting business processes based on
                  protocols. This paper describes some elements of (1)
                  a conceptual model of processes that will
                  incorporate abstractions based on protocols, roles,
                  and commitments; (2) the semantics or mathematical
                  foundations underlying the conceptual model and
                  mapping global views of processes to the local
                  actions of the parties involved; (3) methodologies
                  involving rule-based reasoning to specify processes
                  in terms of compositions of protocols.},
  keywords =     {workflow},
  url = 	 {},
  cluster = 	 {4836866575319609962}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:16:16 EST 2011