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Title: Building a Resilient Supply Chain
Author: Yossi Sheffi
Journal: Harvard Business Review
Pages: 1--4
Month: October
Year: 2005
Abstract: Threats to your supply chain and, therefore, to your company abound--natural disasters, accidents, and intentional disruptions--their likelihood and consequences heightened by long, global supply chains, ever-shrinking product lifecycles, and volatile and unpredictable markets. No sure way exists for overcoming all such risks, but some organizations cope far better than others with both the prospect and the manifestation of unquantifiable risk. They don't have in common a secret formula or even many of the same processes for dealing with risk, but they share a critical trait: resilience. Read more about how organizations can and should build resilience.

  author =	 {Yossi Sheffi},
  title =	 {Building a Resilient Supply Chain},
  journal =	 {Harvard Business Review},
  year =	 2005,
  pages =	 {1--4},
  month =	 {October},
  abstract =	 {Threats to your supply chain and, therefore, to your
                  company abound--natural disasters, accidents, and
                  intentional disruptions--their likelihood and
                  consequences heightened by long, global supply
                  chains, ever-shrinking product lifecycles, and
                  volatile and unpredictable markets. No sure way
                  exists for overcoming all such risks, but some
                  organizations cope far better than others with both
                  the prospect and the manifestation of unquantifiable
                  risk. They don't have in common a secret formula or
                  even many of the same processes for dealing with
                  risk, but they share a critical trait:
                  resilience. Read more about how organizations can
                  and should build resilience.}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:16:31 EST 2011