Vidal's library
Title: Web Services Orchestration and Choreography
Author: Chris Peltz
Journal: IEEE Computer
Volume: 28
Number: 10
Pages: 46--52
Year: 2003
DOI: 10.1041/Rx046s-2003
Abstract: Combining Web services to create higher level, cross-organizational business processes requires standards to model the interactions. Several standards are working their way through industry channels and into vendor products.

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  author =	 {Chris Peltz},
  title =	 {Web Services Orchestration and Choreography},
  googleid =	 {},
  journal =	 {{IEEE} Computer},
  year =	 2003,
  volume =	 28,
  number =	 10,
  pages =	 {46--52},
  doi =		 {10.1041/Rx046s-2003},
  abstract =	 {Combining Web services to create higher level,
                  cross-organizational business processes requires
                  standards to model the interactions. Several
                  standards are working their way through industry
                  channels and into vendor products.},
  keywords =     {workflow},
  url =		 {},
  comment =	 {masrg},
  cluster = 	 {4888851481589136210}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:15:55 EST 2011