Vidal's library
Title: Non-Cooperative Games
Author: John Nash
Journal: The Annals of Mathematics
Volume: 54
Number: 2
Pages: 286--295
Year: 1951
Abstract: The Nash equilibrium paper.

Cited by 1117  -  Google Scholar

  author =	 {John Nash},
  title =	 {Non-Cooperative Games},
  googleid =	 {},
  journal =	 {The Annals of Mathematics},
  year =	 1951,
  volume =	 54,
  number =	 2,
  pages =	 {286--295},
  abstract = 	 {The Nash equilibrium paper.},
  url =		 {},
  keywords =     {game-theory classic},
  cluster = 	 {12305536172249517926}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:13:14 EST 2011