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Title: High-Confidence Medical Device Software and Systems
Author: Insup Lee, George J. Pappas, Rance Cleaveland, John Hatcliff, Bruce H. Krogh, Peter Lee, Harvey Rubin, and Lui Sha
Journal: Comnputer
Volume: 39
Number: 4
Pages: 33--38
Year: 2006
DOI: 10.1109/MC.2006.127
Abstract: Given the shortage of caregivers and the increase in an aging US population, the future of US healthcare quality does not look promising and definitely is unlikely to be cheaper. Advances in health information systems and healthcare technology offer a tremendous opportunity for improving the quality of care while reducing costs.

  author =	 {Insup Lee and George J. Pappas and Rance Cleaveland
                  and John Hatcliff and Bruce H. Krogh and Peter Lee
                  and Harvey Rubin and Lui Sha},
  title =	 {High-Confidence Medical Device Software and Systems},
  journal =	 {Comnputer},
  year =	 2006,
  volume =	 39,
  number =	 4,
  pages = 	 {33--38},
  abstract =	 {Given the shortage of caregivers and the increase in
                  an aging US population, the future of US healthcare
                  quality does not look promising and definitely is
                  unlikely to be cheaper. Advances in health
                  information systems and healthcare technology offer
                  a tremendous opportunity for improving the quality
                  of care while reducing costs.},
  keywords = 	 {handheld},
  url = 	 {},
  doi = 	 {10.1109/MC.2006.127}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:16:34 EST 2011