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Title: A Combinatorial Auction with Multiple Winners for Universal Service
Author: Frank Kelly and Richard Stenberg
Journal: Management Science
Volume: 46
Number: 4
Pages: 586--596
Year: 2000
Abstract: We describe a discrete-time auction procedure called PAUSE (Progressive Adaptive User Selection Environment) for use in assigning COLR (Carrier of Last Resort) responsibility for universal service. The auction incorporates synergies by permitting all combinatorial bids, is transparent to the bidders, allows for multiple winners, and minimizes the possibility of bidder collusion. The procedure is computationally tractable for the auctioneer and thus very efficient to run. The inherent computational complexity of combinatorial bidding cannot be eliminated. However, in this auction the computational burden of evaluating synergies rests with the bidders claiming those synergies, while the auctioneer simply checks that a bid is valid.

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  author =	 {Frank Kelly and Richard Stenberg},
  title =	 {A Combinatorial Auction with Multiple Winners for
                  Universal Service},
  journal =	 {Management Science},
  year =	 2000,
  number = 	 4,
  volume =	 46,
  abstract =	 {We describe a discrete-time auction procedure called
                  PAUSE (Progressive Adaptive User Selection
                  Environment) for use in assigning COLR (Carrier of
                  Last Resort) responsibility for universal
                  service. The auction incorporates synergies by
                  permitting all combinatorial bids, is transparent to
                  the bidders, allows for multiple winners, and
                  minimizes the possibility of bidder collusion. The
                  procedure is computationally tractable for the
                  auctioneer and thus very efficient to run. The
                  inherent computational complexity of combinatorial
                  bidding cannot be eliminated. However, in this
                  auction the computational burden of evaluating
                  synergies rests with the bidders claiming those
                  synergies, while the auctioneer simply checks that a
                  bid is valid.},
  keywords =     {economics combinatorial auctions},
  pages =	 {586--596},
  googleid = 	 {},
  url = 	 {},
  cluster = 	 {16930281441862066497}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:14:58 EST 2011