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Title: Graphical Games
Author: Michael Kearns
Book Tittle: Algorithmic Game Theory
Pages: 159--180
Publisher: Cambridge
Year: 2007
Crossref: nisan07a
Abstract: In this chapter we examine the representational and algorithmic aspects of a class of graph-theoretic models for multiplayer games. Known broadly as graphical games, these models specify restrictions on the direct payoff influences among the player population. In addition to a number of nice computational properties, these models have close connections to well-studied graphical models for probabilistic inference in machine learning and statistics.

  author =	 {Michael Kearns},
  title =	 {Graphical Games},
  booktitle =	 {Algorithmic Game Theory},
  pages =	 {159--180},
  publisher =	 {Cambridge},
  year =	 2007,
  crossref =	 {nisan07a},
  abstract =	 {In this chapter we examine the representational and
                  algorithmic aspects of a class of graph-theoretic
                  models for multiplayer games. Known broadly as
                  graphical games, these models specify restrictions
                  on the direct payoff influences among the player
                  population. In addition to a number of nice
                  computational properties, these models have close
                  connections to well-studied graphical models for
                  probabilistic inference in machine learning and
  url = 	 {}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:16:50 EST 2011