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Title: Don't go with the flow: Web services composition standards exposed
Author: W.M.P. van der Aalst
Journal: IEEE Intelligent Systems
Month: January/February
Year: 2003
DOI: 10.1041/x1072s-2003
Abstract: What are Web services? The Stencil Group defines them as loosely coupled, reusable software components that semantically encapsulate discrete functionality and are distributed and programmatically accessible over standard Internet protocols benefits might even seem to waste away, once we touch on the nitty-gritty details, because Web services per se do not offer a solution to underlying problems such as

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  author =	 {W.M.P. van der Aalst},
  title =	 {Don't go with the flow: Web services composition
                  standards exposed},
  googleid =	 {},
  journal =	 {{IEEE} Intelligent Systems},
  year =	 2003,
  month =	 {January/February},
  abstract =	 {What are Web services? The Stencil Group defines
                  them as loosely coupled, reusable software
                  components that semantically encapsulate discrete
                  functionality and are distributed and
                  programmatically accessible over standard Internet
                  protocols benefits might even seem to waste away,
                  once we touch on the nitty-gritty details, because
                  Web services per se do not offer a solution to
                  underlying problems such as},
  keywords =     {workflow sweb},
  url =		 {},
  doi =		 {10.1041/x1072s-2003},
  cluster = 	 {12427669679012051026}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:15:42 EST 2011