Running the ClassFileServer ClassFileServer is an implementation of a mini-webserver that can be used by an RMI application to load classes over the network. Typically, RMI uses an HTTP server to load files from a URL. The ClassFileServer provides the same basic functionality. In order to run the class server, compile the java files and run the server, specifing the port on which you want the server to run and the classpath where the server locates class files, e.g.: (Solaris) % java examples.classServer.ClassFileServer 2001 /home/ann/classes (Windows) C:> start java examples.classServer.ClassFileServer 2001 /home/ann/classes When you start up your RMI server, the codebase URL you supply simply needs to be a URL containing the host and port that the class server runs on (since the classpath root is specified when you start up the ClassFileServer), e.g.: (Solaris) % java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=http://zaphod:2001/ MyRMIServer (Windows) C:> start java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=http://zaphod:2001/ MyRMIServer You can embed your own class server inside your RMI server application instead of running one separately. In your server, simply create a ClassFileServer and supply the appropriate port number and classpath: import examples.classServer.ClassFileServer; //..... new ClassFileServer(port, classpath); Read the documentation for the ClassFileServer "Main" method for more info on how to run or embed a ClassFileServer in your application.