=============================================================================== NOTE: Build these projects in the order shown below. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== IDL =============================================================================== This directory contains the interface defintion file for the interfaces that are used within the OCR examples throughout this book. You need to compile this IDL file using the midl.exe compiler, as follows: midl /Oicf ocr.idl to obtain the interface marshaling code for all interfaces defined within the ocr.idl file. To wrap up all this code into a DLL, you nned to use nmake.exe, as follows: nmake -f ocrps.mk Once you have OCRps.dll, you must register it as follows: regsrv32.exe ocrps.dll This is required for remote method invocation on custom interfaces. =============================================================================== Server (out-of-proc server) =============================================================================== This directory contains the code for an out-of-process server that supports an object that implements the interfaces defined within ocr.idl. To register this EXE component use the -RegServer option, as follows: ocrsvr.exe -RegServer Use -UnRegServer to unregister. =============================================================================== Inproc (in-proc server) =============================================================================== This directory contains the code for an in-process server that supports an object that implements the interfaces defined within ocr.idl. Use regsvr32.exe to register this DLL component: regsvr32.exe inproc.dll To unregister, use the following: regsvr32.exe -u inproc.dll =============================================================================== Client (client component to test the in- and out-of-proc server. =============================================================================== This directory contains the code for client component that used the IOcr interface specified in ocr.idl. The ocrsvr.exe or inproc.exe components must be registered in order to successfully run this client component. In addition, the ocrps.dll must be registered. You need to put the "test.tif" file in the same directory as ocrcli.exe, because ocrcli.exe loads this file and send the binary TIFF image data to the server component. =============================================================================== Reuse =============================================================================== This directory contains the projects that illustrates aggregation and containment. See the readme.txt in this subdirectory for more details.