CSCE 782: Problem Set 4

Due: 14 December 2007, midnight

For this final project you can choose to do either a research project where you implement an algorithm from some paper. You can also try to make your own improvements. Or you can choose to develop your own new algorithms to explore some of the problems we mentioned this semester. Or you can implement better visualizations for some of the algorithms we present in the book.

In any event, you need to come talk to me before starting your project so I can approve your choice. You can work with one other student if you want.

Research Project

Choose a paper from AAMAS 04, AAMAS 05, AAMAS 06, AAMAS 07, AAAI 05, AAAI 06, my library, or anywhere else and implement the algorithm. You could also show how you can come up with a solution that is, in some way, better than the one they show.

You can also choose to improve upon any of the algorithms in the textbook.

Finally, if you have your own research idea, drop by and we can discuss it.

Didactic Project

The goal here is to develop a NetLogo application that can be used to teach students how a multiagent algorithm works. You can pick from any of the algorithms in the textbook that have not yet been implemented or any of the other ones referenced in the textbook.

Since this netlogo program is to be used by students it will need to be highly polished (look pretty) and have solid documentation.

A funny comic strip.

José M. Vidal
Last modified: Wed Nov 21 15:23:51 EST 2007