The answers are in boldface.

  1. Which one of the following is not an example of a possible application of multiagent systems?

  2. Which one of the following is the correct definition for agent? (in this class).

  3. A dynamic environment is one that

  4. The formal definition of an agent includes the concept of a run. What is a run?

  5. Two agents are said to be behaviorally equivalent if

  6. Why are agents with state easier to implement than standard agents?

  7. A deductive reasoning agent works by applying deduction rules to its knowledge base in an effort to

  8. In AGENT0, an agent has

  9. You are building an robotic agent that will go into burning buildings and rescue people. Which one of the following might be one of the agent's intentions?

  10. What is the difference between intending to do well on this test and desiring to do well on this test (assuming a BDI agent)?

  11. The subsumption architecture is composed of a set of behaviors and

  12. The subsumption architecture was invented by

  13. How do you write the phrase "Cars have a license plate number." in RDF?

  14. How do express the fact that there are Law students and Ethics students but there cannot be someone who is both a student of Law and Ethics, in DAML?

  15. A DAML Restriction (daml:Restriction) is a

  16. What is DAML used for?

  17. OWL is subdivided into three sublanguages of different level of expressiveness. This was done in order to make it easier for new users and

  18. The main elements of a DAML-S service description are

  19. DAML-S was created to be used in

  20. If you want to define a process to be a DAML-S atomic process, you would do this by writing DAML-S code that says that the process

  21. A DAML-S CompositeProcess is roughly equivalent to

  22. In netlogo, the without-interruption primitive is used to

  23. In netlogo, a function that returns a value is called a

  24. In netlogo, how would I ask all the red agents to face east?

  25. Which one of the following is an example of a performative?

  26. The Knowledge Interchange Format is roughly:

  27. The FIPA-ACL protocol element denotes

  28. The FIPA-ACL inform-if performative is used to

  29. The main reason we need a language such as FIPA-ACL is that

  30. The semantics of FIPA-ACL performatives are defined using a formal language which uses

  31. In a FIPA architecture the AMS is responsible for

  32. AUML is like UML's sequence diagram except that AUML

  33. What are the Pareto optimal strategies of the game:
    B   m n
    o 3,4 0,9
    p 2,7 6,1

  34. What are the pure Nash equilibrium strategies of the game:
    B   m n
    o 3,4 0,9
    p 2,7 6,1

  35. What are the pure Nash equilibrium strategies of the game:
    B   m n
    o 3,4 0,3
    p 2,7 9,1

  36. Why is the fact that most games have multiple equilibria important to us as multiagent systems designers?

  37. What is the social welfare strategy of the following game matrix
    B   m n o p
    m 1,1 3,2 1,3 2,4
    n 5,1 3,1 4,1 5,1
    o 4,2 1,1 4,4 2,5
    p 4,1 2,2 4,3 2,4

  38. What is the dominant strategy in the Prisoner's dilemma?

  39. What did Axelrod conclude about playing Tit-for-Tat in the iterated Prisoner's Dilemma game?

  40. A social convention

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