CSCE 782: News

 Final Grades Posted
Posted on Thursday, 11 December 2003, 12:45PM
The final grades are now posted. Have a good break, you deserve it!

 Tournament Results
Posted on Friday, 05 December 2003, 04:10PM
The game scores were:
Maverick Wizards Gryffinder DJ11
Wizards 3,2
Gryffinder 2,0 0,11
DJ11 0,6 0,12 0,4
Bobcats 0,7 4,7 3,4 2,4
Which means the final tournament standings are:
  1. Wizards
  2. Gryffinder
  3. Maverick
  4. DJ11
  5. Bobcats
You all developed good teams. Thanks for making the event a success!

But, do not forget to turn in your final writeups. Take a look at the final project handout for the specifics on what you need to hand in. The writeup is an important part your grade for the project.

 Robocup Tournament Venue
Posted on Tuesday, 02 December 2003, 08:36AM
The Robocup tournament will be held on Friday in 1D43, from 1pm-3pm, or until we are done. Each team must have a representative there to run their software. In the tournament all teams will play each other. The team that wins the most games wins the tournament and (probably) receives an A for the final project (I still need to see a writeup). In the case of a tie, the team with the most goals, over all games, wins.

Make sure that your team has an original name that shows up on the soccermonitor (that is, change the default team name). I also suggest you have practice games against other teams before the tournament.

 Soccerbeans Page Updated
Posted on Monday, 01 December 2003, 08:06PM
The soccerbeans page has been updated to include the manifest file, and Hrishikesh's presentation and Master's thesis.

 Test 2 Returned
Posted on Monday, 01 December 2003, 10:09AM
As you might have seen, I posted the grades for Test 2 last Wednesday. I have no placed the tests themselves on the envelope hanging on the corkboard outside my office. You can pick yours up anytime.

 PS6 Posted
Posted on Friday, 07 November 2003, 02:02PM
PS 6 is now posted. Since I was a couple of days getting it out, Im giving you a couple of extra days. It is due two weeks from now, on Friday.

 PS 5 Thoughts
Posted on Tuesday, 28 October 2003, 02:03PM
One of you pointed out that the mailmen might rationally choose not to deliver any letter. This is true, but, it will depend on the reward for delivering the letter versus the cost. I have not given you any values for this. As such, your protocol must work for all possible values. Specifically, when the reward is less than the cost of delivering any letter, and when it is not.

 Time to Start Thinking Soccer
Posted on Friday, 10 October 2003, 12:42PM
I have posted the final project handout. The new soccerbeans page is now up. This is the software that you will be using (well, you can write your own if you want to but that will take you months) for the final project.

If you have any questions or suggestions on soccerbeans you can email Hrishikesh at I will also be giving you a questionnaire about your experiences with this software. It is our first time using it in class and we are trying to determine how well we can merge component-based and agent-based programming.

 Test Grades Posted
Posted on Thursday, 09 October 2003, 03:18PM
The grades for the test have been posted. The actual test with solutions has also been posted.

Overall, you need to do the reading before each class, take good notes, and review them and my slides before the test. I don't think people are doing this.

 PS3 Graded
Posted on Friday, 03 October 2003, 04:36PM
I just emailed the grades for PS3. Please also check on the grades link on the left to make sure my grades correlate with what you think.

 PS3 Due Time Changed
Posted on Tuesday, 30 September 2003, 11:34AM
I have changed the time that PS3 is due to midnight (well, one second before midnight) on Wednesday, the same day as before.

 PS3 Bug
Posted on Thursday, 25 September 2003, 11:22AM
There was a bug in the cargo.nlogo file I provided in PS3. I have fixed the bug and updated the file. The problem was that the robots were being ask to ask all the robots to explode the mines, instead of simply asking all the robots to explode the mines. Anyway, use the new file. Thanks to Hong Jiang for noticing this!

 New Reading For DAML-S
Posted on Saturday, 20 September 2003, 12:09AM
I added a new reading for the DAML-S talk. It is an excellent article that provides the big picture view of how DAML-S fits within Web Services and the Semantic Web (i.e., what I tried to tell you about in class).

 New MAS Textbook
Posted on Wednesday, 10 September 2003, 12:44PM
There is a new MAS textbook available free to download: A Concise Introduction to Multiagent Systems and Distributed AI by Nikos Vlassis. I have not read it yet but I think you will find it useful, especially during the second part of the course.

 PS 1 Moved Back
Posted on Tuesday, 26 August 2003, 05:00PM
I have moved back the due date of PS 1 to Sept. 8.

Jose M Vidal
Last modified: Thu Dec 11 12:46:08 EST 2003