The answers are in boldface.

  1. How do we define an agent in this class?

  2. An accessible environment is one where

  3. Which one of the following is not a difference between agents and objects?

  4. Let E be the set of all environmental states, A be the set of all actions, and R be the set of all possible runs of the system. We can then define a reactive agent as

  5. In the formal model of an agent with state, what is the state?

  6. Deductive reasoning agents suffer from the transduction problem. What is the transduction problem?

  7. An agent that picks its actions based on theorem-proving does so by:

  8. Why do we like to build agents using mentalistic notions?

  9. An Agent0 program consists of

  10. Intentions are useful constructs for building agents because

  11. A practical reasoning agent uses a belief-revision-function, this function

  12. The PRS-CL system we studied in class is

  13. Which one of the following is not one of Rodney Brook's theses about intelligent behavior?

  14. Say you build a subsumption architecture with five behaviors (using the (condition,action) notation we used in class):

    and A inhibits B and C, B inhibits D, and E inhibits A. You then see the world state x. Which action does the system take?

  15. Which one of the following is not a limitation of the subsumption architecture?

  16. In a horizontal layered architecture

  17. Now that some years have passed since logic-based architectures were the norm and the subsumption architecture was introduced, what is the most popular approach to building agent architectures?

  18. What is a performative verb?

  19. Which of the the following is a KIF representation of the sentence "An object is a Nimbus2000 if it is a broom and it flies"?

  20. In KQML and FIPA-ACL the :reply-with is used for

  21. In FIPA-ACL when an agent receives a message that it is unable to process it should respond with

  22. If you want to send a FIPA-ACL message to a number of agents asking them to send you their bids for fixing your broken monitor, what performative would you use?

  23. How are the semantics of FIPA-ACL expressed?

  24. Which one of the following statements about FIPA Interaction Protocols (IP) is not true?

  25. AUML was a needed extension to UML because

  26. The Iterated Contract net Interaction Protocol differs from the Contract Net IP in that, in the Iterated Contract Net IP

  27. The FIPA Agent Message Transport does not specify

  28. What is the job of the FIPA agent management system?

  29. FIPA provides

  30. When one JADE agent sends a message to another JADE agent that resides on the same machine

  31. On JADE, if the Behavior.done() function of a behavior returns true, then

  32. In JADE

  33. The JADE function that an agent must call in order to send its information to the DF is called

  34. In JADE, responder roles are

  35. Which one of the following is not a benefit derived from using an ontology in agent communications?

  36. The Semantic Web vision calls for ontologies

  37. Which one of the following statements about Semantic Web documents is not true?

  38. In the following piece of XML

    <alpha beta="gamma">
    which one is the element?

  39. Namespaces were a necessary addition to XML because

  40. Using XML Schema one can define new data types by

  41. What is the difference between the RDF ID and ABOUT attributes?

  42. Out of the following RDF snippets, which one is the equivalent of the English phrase "Anything that is a student is a person"?

  43. How many rdfs:classs does DAML define?

  44. Which one of the following is an example of a statement that can be defined in DAML but not in RDF/RDFS?

  45. Which one of the following describes how a DAML-S service works?

  46. What is the significance of the fact that DAML-S uses IOPE's?

  47. Which one of the following is not one of DAML-S's control structures?

  48. What is the Nash equilibrium(s) strategy for this game?
    A B
    A 4,4 5,0
    B 0,5 6,6

  49. What is the social welfare strategy(s) for this game matrix?
    A B
    A 4,4 5,0
    B 0,5 6,6

  50. What is the pareto optimal strategy(s) for this game?
    A B
    A 4,4 5,0
    B 0,5 6,6

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