CSCE 590: Distributed Programming

Class Homepage:
Instructor: José M. Vidal
Office: SWGN 3A51
Office Hours: Check my Calendar, or email me for an appointment.
TA:Yimin Huang
Office: A111 300 Main St.
Class Meeting Time: TTh 12:30-1:45pm
Class Meeting Room: SWGN 2A27
Registration: Check graduate, and undergraduate.
Textbooks: Your primary reference will be the class notes which will be supplemented with various online resources such as online tutorials, papers, manuals, etc. However, as online manuals are often hard to read, I highly recommend that you purchase the following books:

Grading: There will be three problem sets to be done in groups of 1-3 students. For graduate students each PS is worth 16% of your final grade, for undergraduate students the top two PSs will each be worth 24%, that is, I will drop your lowest PS grade. There will also be three tests. Each test is worth 16% of your grade. You get the remaining 4% just for signing up.

Overview: This class deals with distributed programming, emphasizing distributed object systems. Specifically, we will be studying and implementing programs using the following technologies:

Prerequisites: This class involves a lot of programming. I will assume that you have extensive experience with object-oriented programming. You need to have taken Data Structures and Algorithms, as well as other programming classes. You also must be willing to dedicate a lot of time to this class as programming is always an extremely time-consuming activity.

Deliverables: Students who pass this class are be able to design and implemented complex software solutions using state of the art software engineering techniques. They are able to understand, design, and implement sophisticated distributed applications using state of the art technologies such as Java RMI, CORBA, XML, XML-RPC, and SOAP. They have a deep understanding of the techniques behind distributed programming, distributed object systems, and component programming.

A funny comic strip.

Jose M. Vidal
Last modified: Thu Mar 18 14:29:49 EST 2004