CSCE 492: Software Engineering Laboratory
Instructor: José M. Vidal
Office: SWGN 3A51
Office Hours: Check my Calendar, or email me for
Class Homepage:
Class Meeting Time:Wednesdays 11:15am-12:30pm
Class Meeting Room: Swearingen, Room 2A19
Software Project Survival Guide, by Steve McConnel, and
Distilled by Martin Fowler. I also highly recommend you read
Pragmatic Programmer, by Hunt and Thomas. It summarizes tips
and tricks that programmers have learned over many years of experience.
Problem Set |
Percentage of Final Grade |
Group Reports |
10% (Showing up prepared) |
PS1: Project Proposal |
20% (Presentation, Design) |
PS2: Code and Design Review |
20% (Design, Functionality) |
PS3: Final Project |
50% (Presentation, Documentation, Functionality, Features) |
It is very important to remember that all member of the team
will receive the same final grade no matter how much work each
one of them does. If you are having problems with a lazy
teammate tell me as soon as possible so we can try to solve the
Problem Sets: You need to:
- Sign, fill out, and staple this coversheet as the first page of your
problem set printout. You must submit a hardcopy of your
problem set.
- Turn in the hardcopy before class. Late problem sets
will receive no credit.
- For the programming problem sets, place all your your files
in your home directory on, on a directory named
PS1 for Problem set 1, PS2 for problem set 2, etc.
In order to get an account on source you will need to go to
and create an account with a username that is the same
username as your engineering username. You will then be
able to see your home directory folder by going to your "network
neighborhood" and clicking on "Source". From a unix machine
you can use the
- If your code is not in the appropiate folder by the deadline
(11am) you will lose 30%. If its one day late you will lose 100%.
- The group reports will be half hour meetings where each group will meet
with me individually and report your progress in an informal
but comprehensive manner.
Overview: This class allows the students to experience a
software development lifecycle, which includes requirements
analysis and design, development, testing, and documentation.
Prerequisites: This class involves a lot of
programming. You need to have taken Data Structures and
Algorithms, as well as other programming classes. You also must
be willing to dedicate a lot of time to this class as
programming is always an extremely time-consuming activity.
Deliverables: Students who pass this class are be able to
design and implemented complex software solutions using state of
the art software engineering techniques. The have working
knowledge of UML, source control, and project management. They
know how to test and document software. Finally, they are
capable of working as part of a software team and develop
significant projects under a tight deadline.
About the Homepage: Check it often. All information is
posted there.
About USC Sourceforge: I have set up our own sourceforge
server at
You will need to create an account in that webite. Please read
the FAQ on the website (it is under [Site Docs]) before asking
any questions.
Jose M. Vidal
Last modified: Wed Jan 17 13:16:56 -0500 2001