Final Project Writeup



Final writeups are due by Friday at noon. Your final writeup will be done (almost) entirely on the pages. You will make sure that you have:

  1. Well-commented source code.
  2. Set up the website to be friendly to the general public. Add screenshots. Add explanations of what your program does. Add instructions on how to download and install. Add a page so visitors can download a binary of your program.
  3. Make sure your requirement documents have been updated. Do not delete old requirements. Simply mention which ones were dropped and why, and which ones were added.
  4. Add a page of known bugs.
  5. Upload your presentation slides to the website.
Also, on separate emails, I want you to send me:
  1. The list of bugs you found on the other team's project, by Wednesday at noon. You should also email the other team.
  2. Each one of you should send me an email showing how much work each one of your teammates contributed, including your own contributions. You will use this rubric for your scoring.

Final Presentations



Final presentations will be held on Monday December 8 in SWGN 2A31 from noon to 2pm. Each group is allocated 30 minutes. Everyone should attend. The presentation will consist of a demo of your project along with some slides that cover

  1. Technologies used.
  2. Quick high-level view of system architecture.
  3. Features of program which might not clear from demo, for example, network connectivity.
  4. Comments on what worked, what didn't work.
  5. What would you do different next time.




Just wanted to point you to an excellent new website for finding answers to your programming questions: stackoverflow. A good one to check out is: What development book made the most impact on you as a developer? and What is the single most influential book every programmer should read?. Go and vote down our textbook if you hate it. My personal favorate is the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, but students laugh at me when I mention Scheme.

Group Homepages



We finalized the group selection. They are

How Google Does Software Engineering



Google has posted a comic book about the web browser they are developing. Aside from interesting issues in developing a next-generation web browser, you should pay attention to their software engineering process. Namely, check out how they use source control and (sophisticated) automated testing. That is the kind of process you should be aspiring to.

Everyone Attend Friday's Class



There are now 14 people registered for this class. Everyone must attend Friday's class so we can sort out the groups.

Are You in this Class?



There are 13 people registered but only 11 showed up on Friday. If you are one of the two students that did NOT show up on Friday but still want to take it you must reply to me IMMEDIATEDLY, otherwise the groups will be formed and you will not be able to take the class.

First Day



Here are the slides from the first day.

Welcome to 492



This is the blog for CSCE 492, Fall 2008. Subscribe to this feed for the latest news and important announcements of this class. If you don't know what I'm talking about, get schooled.