

The purpose of this excersice is for the team to get a clear idea, and buy-in from everyone, on what the project will be and how it will be developed as well as how you will work together as a team. You should read Chapter 4.

  1. Drawings of how every window in your program will look like. You can use pen and paper: just take a digital picture and upload it to picasaweb then link to it from your wiki.
  2. Set of use cases describing how a user will interact with your program.
  3. Describe how ignorant users will interact with your program.
  4. Agreement on IDE and programming languages.
  5. Agreement on third-party libraries to be used.
  6. Have you read and understood the library's documentation?
  7. Have you installed the svn plugin for your IDE?
  8. Have you defined coding conventions for names, comments, and layout?
  9. Have you defined specific coding practices? how will error conditions be handled? how will security be addressed? how much will you consider performance while coding?
  10. What are the specific steps a programmer must go through before checking code into subversion?
  11. Will programmers work in pairs, or individually?
  12. When will your team meet? for how long? will there be food?
  13. Will programmers write test cases for their code before writing the code itself?
  14. Will programmers write unit tests? (YES)
  15. Will programmers step through their code in the debugger before they check it in?
  16. Will programmers integration-test their code before they check it in?
  17. Will programmers review or inspect each other's code?
  18. Will you be using a unit-testing library? (JUNIT)

Jose M Vidal
Last modified: Fri May 16 15:01:49 EDT 2008