Demos are over!!! |
Posted on Thursday December 07, 05:00PM |
The demos/presentations are over and they all went very well. I would
like to thank all of you for being guinea-pigs given this is the first
time this class has been given. I would appreciate it if you could
comment on your final writeup on how the class could be improved.
I also just update the PS3 handout (for your final writeup), so
disregard any older versions you might have printed out.
Happy Holidays!
Rational Rose now Available in Labs |
Posted on Tuesday October 31, 01:28PM |
Rational Rose Enterprise edition is now available in the SWGN 1D11 and
1D15 laboratories. You can (should) use it to generate your UML class
diagrams. You might have to start it a couple of times since it
appears to sometimes have trouble accessing the key server (or try a
different machine).
Code Reviews are Due Soon |
Posted on Monday October 30, 07:12AM |
Click on the link on the left to get the details.
You Need to Check code to CVS |
Posted on Tuesday October 24, 08:11AM |
As of this moment, only the Halcyon and cotrader groups have checked
in their source code to CVS, and only those two and Name_Pending have
created a project on The other groups really
need to catch up.
Remember to Create Your CVS Repositories |
Posted on Thursday October 05, 03:42PM |
I want to stress, once again, that creating and using a CVS repository
is a requirement. No, I do not think it is too much of an
overkill. Yes, I realize that you will have to learn a new tool but is
part of being a software engineer. If you want to learn more about CVS
I highly recommend the CVS
Book, most of the chapters are available online for free.
For Those of You Building Web Sites |
Posted on Tuesday October 03, 11:08PM |
If you are building a website for your project, or are intereseted in
reading about how it should be done, I highly recommend Philip and
Alex's Guide to Web Publishing. It is a very opinionated (often
wisely) tour of good web design and, well, life as a software engineer
in general. You might also want to check out his SQL for web nerds.
Group Meetings and More Design |
Posted on Thursday September 21, 04:07PM |
On next Thursday we will continue with our "design meeting" for the
rest of the groups. Please make sure at least one person from each
group attends (otherwise, we will not tell you what your design should
look like).
Also, each group will need to meet with me twice before the
code review. The first time should be on the last weeks of September
(that is, now), and the second time on the last weeks of
October. Please send me an email to schedule the appointments. The
best times are Tuesday/Thursday afternoons or Wednesdays.
Update: Friday September 22, 04:35PM These meetings are worth
10% of your grade. You are responsible for setting them up. If we have
not met by the due date, your group will lose the 10% of the class grade.
PS1 Grades are Out |
Posted on Friday September 15, 02:31PM |
If you are curious, you can check your grade by clicking on the Grades button
on the left.
In general I think the project ideas were great and showed that people
are taking this project seriously. However, the design was usually
poor and in some cases almost non-existant. I am also troubled by the
division of labor that some groups seem to be leaning towards. Remember,
I want everyone in the team to contribute to the design and coding
of the project.
On the next class I will hand back your graded designs and we will go over
each one of them. You should start thinking about how to improve your design
right now. Think about
- What are the modules? What is the "natural" way to split the problem?
- What are the responsibilitites of each module?
- What are the functions that each module will implement?
- Is there any overlap in functionality between modules? If so, is it
better to create a superclass to absorb that functionality? or a library?
- Who will implement each module?
PS1 is Out! |
Posted on Wednesday September 06, 10:33AM |
As you can see on the left there, the Project Proposal handout is
out. You should start working on this right now because, as you can
read, it is not a trivial document I am asking for.