Grading: The final grade will be based on weekly (Mondays) quizes which consist of short programming assignments. The grades on all quizes will be averaged after discarding your two (2) lowest grades, that average is your final grade.
Attendance is mandatory. You will do practice excercises in lab and hand these in. You can miss two labs without penalty. However, for every lab you miss beyond the first two you will loose 5 points from your final grade.
Laboratories: We will meet in the laboratory (1D29). Tests will be on Mondays. These will be graded.
Homework: Each Wednesday you will receive a homework programming problem. These do not need to be handed in and will not be graded. However, I assure you that if you do not do these homeworks you will fail the in-class labs or tests.
The two hours per week that we spend in lab is nowhere near sufficient time for you to learn this material. You will need to practice at home, a lot. Expect to spend at least 8 hours per week doing the programming excercises at home..
Academic Integrity: We will adhere USC's statement on academic responsibility. This means that expulsion procedures will be initiated for anyone caught either giving or receiving help in a test.