This is a robocup client written in Java. It is really a program called Krislet by Krzysztof Langner which I updated to Java 2 and made a few documentation changes. The changes allowed me to run it thru javadoc so you can see the documented API for it.
You can get the actual sources from the CVS repository, or you can get them from Ef-vidal\\Share\robocup\soccerclient.
In order to compile it with the JDK you must first place all the files in a directory called H:\progs\edu\sc\soccerclient (where the \ are subdir separators, note that the H:\progs can be anything, just make sure you are consistent) and then use the following command to compile:
javac -g -deprecation -d H:\progs -classpath H:\progs -sourcepath H:\progs *.javaIn order to run the program you will use the command:
java -cp H:\progs course, the soccerserver should be running before you start the soccerclient. Also note that you can give the soccerclient some command-line arguments that tell it which soccersercer to connect to. Look at the source code to see how these work.
I have not tried to compile it with J++ (it might not work since J++ is still at Java 1.1).