// URLContainer.cpp: implementation of the URLContainer class.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "URLContainer.h"

// Construction/Destruction





URLContainer::URLContainer(istream &is)
	URL next;
	while (is >> next){

void URLContainer::printFirstN(ostream &os, const int n)
	for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
		os << urls[i] << endl;


int URLContainer::size()
	return urls.size();

void URLContainer::printNth(ostream &os, const int n)
	os << urls[n] << endl;

void URLContainer::sortByURL()
	sort(urls.begin(), urls.end());

bool sortTitleCriteria(const URL & a, const URL & b)
	return a.title < b.title;

void URLContainer::sortByTitle()
	sort(urls.begin(), urls.end(), sortTitleCriteria);
	//The line below should work, according to the standard, but 
	// it does not compile in VC++ 6.0
//	sort(urls.begin(), urls.end(), mem_fun_ref(&URL::operator<));