PS2 Output
- Diverge Dot Org- A collection of periodic documents about technology such as architectures and software engineering.
- WWW Computer Architecture- The page for all the research in computer architecture and microprocessors.
- ACM Computing Classification System
- Advice on Research and Writing
- Comp.Theory FAQ- Theoretical computer science
- TCS Genealogy- Information on earned doctoral degrees (adviser, university, and year) of theoretical computer scientists worldwide.
- Abramsky, Samson- University of Edinburgh - Semantics of programming languages, concurrency, game semantics, program analysis.
- Abadi, Mart&xED;n- DEC SRC - Computer and network security, specification and verification methods, programming languages.
- Aiken, Alex- Berkeley - Type systems, static program analysis and abstract interpretation, constraint resolution algorithms, parallel programming, language design, domain specific languages, end user programming, visualization.
- A&xEF;t-Kaci, Hassan- Simon Fraser University - Constraint-based programming, object-orientation, logical and functional programming, and the design of compilation techniques.
- Agha, Gul- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Developing new abstractions for building open distributed systems and reasoning about their behavior. such systems generally have requirements such as parallelism, coordination, availability, and real-time behavior.
- Agrawal, Dharma P.- Mobile networks, adhoc networks, distributed systems, automatic parallelism detection and scheduling, systems reliability. University of Cincinnati.
- Alpuente, Mar&xED;a- Technical University of Valencia, Spain - Logic Programming: semantics, extensions and applications integration of functional and logic programming languages, abstract interpretation, program manipulation.
- Altenkirch, Thorsten- Type theory, categorical logic, and program verification.
- Boggess, Gene- Cognitive science, neural networks, computational linguistics, genetic algorithms. Mississippi State University.
- Bruce, Kim B.- Programming language design and semantics: Type theory, object-oriented languages, models of higher-order lambda calculus including subtypes and bounded polymorphism.
- Brill, Eric- Influential researcher in natural language processing. His page contains software and publications.
- Banicescu, Ioana- Parallel algorithms, scientific computing. Mississippi State University.
- Bridges, Susan- Expert systems, knowledge discovery in databases, intelligent interfaces. Mississippi State University.
- Cardelli, Luca- Microsoft Research - Type theory and operational semantics, mostly for applications to language design, semantics, and implementation. Semantic and type-theoretic foundations of object-oriented languages. Global and mobile computation issues.
- Charniak, Eugene- Influential researcher in Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. His home page features some of his publications, in postscript. Brown University.
- Carter, Bradley D.- Software engineering, software metrics. Mississippi State University.
- Day, Bill- Technology Evangelist at Sun Microsystems, interests include software and aerospace engineering, molecular nanotechnology, streaming media and multimedia, java, and computer graphics.
- Dearholt, Donald W.- Human-Computer Interaction, Theory and Application of Associative Graphs. Mississippi State University.
- Frailey, Dennis J.- Software engineering improvement, especially focusing on cycle time.
- Haas, Laura- Database query processing.
- Heller, Rachelle S.- Multimedia taxonomy. George Washington University.
- Hansen, Eric- Artificial intelligence, planning and reasoning under uncertainty, and resource-bounded computing. Mississippi State University.
- Hodges, Julia- Artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, knowledge discovery in databases, expert systems, document understanding. Mississippi State University.
- Jamil, Hasan- Intelligent database systems, artificial intelligence. Mississippi State University.
- Knuth, Donald E.- Professor Emeritus of The Art of Computer Programming at Stanford University
- Kleinrock, Leonard- Inventor of the internet technology packet switching. Has published more than 200 papers and authored six books on a wide array of subjects including packet switching networks, packet radio networks, local area networks, broadband networks and gigabit networks. Additionally, Dr. Kleinrock has recently launched the field of nomadic computing, the emerging technology to support users as soon as they leave their desktop environments.
- Lambert, Lynn- Natural language understanding, science education.
- Little, Rainey- Instruction set architecutre, data compression. Mississippi State University.
- Majerus, Laura- "Intellectual property protection and counseling in the areas of software and computer systems."
- Machiraju, Raghu- Computer graphics, image analysis. Mississippi State University.
- Miller, Nancy E.- Curriculum, File structures, database systems, intelligent computer aided instruction, intelligent tutoring. Mississippi State University.
- Peiris, Ramanee- Interests: Engagement with computers, Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology. Lecturer in Department of Applied Computing, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK.
- Palsberg, Jens- Object-oriented languages, type systems, compilers, software generators, software evolution.
- Philip, Thomas- Software engineering, software design, software testing, application of intelligent systems. Mississippi State University.
- Rivest, Ronald L.- Webster Professor of MIT's Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Associate Director of MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science, a founder of RSA Data Security
- Rada, Roy- Distance education.
- Rosebush, Judson- "Director and producer of multimedia products and computer animation."
- Reese, Donna- Parallel processing, microprocessors, computer architecture, object oriented programming, instructional technology. Mississippi State University.
- Stork, David G.- Pattern recognition, Neural networks, Machine learning, Adaptive human interfaces for data repositories, Strategic document studies, Image and pattern recognition algorithms for novel parallel hardware.
- Schrupp, Tom- C Programming. Mississippi State University.
- Skjellum, Anthony- Parallel algorithms, parallel software development, scientific computing. Mississippi State University.
- Alan Turing- Founder of computer science, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, strange visionary.
- Vemuri, V. Rao- Digital Media, Soft Computing, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Numerical Methods.
- Vaughan, Paula- Introductory computer science. Mississippi State University.
- Vaughn, Ray- Software engineering, computer security. Mississippi State University.
- Weaver, Kathleen- School teacher with Dallas Public Schools (Computer Science and Webmastering).
- Electronic Workshops in Computing
- Algorithmica- International Journal in Computer Science. "Algorithmica is an international journal which publishes original papers on algorithms that are either (i) theoretical papers addressing problems arising in practical areas or (ii) experimental papers that have general appeal because of their practical importance or techniques. Papers are expected to make significant contributions, judged in terms of theoretical analysis, simulations, or algorithm behavior on data from applications."
- Journal of Algorithms
- SIAM Journal on Computing
- Computing Reviews
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- Computational Statistics- "Computational Statistics (CompStat) is an international journal which promotes the publication of applications and methodological research in the field of Computational Statistics. The focus of papers in CompStat is on the contribution to and influence of computing on statistics and vice versa. The journal provides a forum for computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians in a variety of fields of statistics such as biometrics, econometrics, data analysis, graphics, simulation, algorithms, knowledge based systems, and Bayesian computing. CompStat publishes hardware, software plus package reports as well as book reviews."
- Computing
- Distributed Systems Engineering
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
- Computer Bulletin
- Journal of Universal Computer Science
- Acta Informatica- "The journal provides international dissemination of contributions on the art, discipline and science of informatics. Its scope covers design, description, presentation and analysis of programs, information structures, computing systems and interaction between components thereof."
- Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science
- Computer Journal
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Journal of Functional Programming
- Theory of Computing Systems
- Visual Computer
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
- Informatique Th&xE9;orique et Applications
- International Journal on Very Large Data Bases
- Distributed Computing
- Current Cites
- Journal of Computing and Information
- Journal of Symbolic Computation
- Information and Computation
- Journal of Computer and System Sciences
- Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
- Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence- "Devoted to reporting significant contributions on the interaction of mathematical and computational techniques reflecting the evolving disciplines of artificial intelligence. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence publishes edited volumes of original manuscripts, survey articles, monographs and well refereed conference proceedings of the highest caliber within this increasingly important field."
- Computational Complexity- "CC presents outstanding research in computational complexity. Its subject is at the interface between mathematics and theoretical computer science, with a clear mathematical profile and strictly mathematical format."
- Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
- ECCC- Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity
- The Journal of Conceptual Modeling- The Journal of Conceptual Modeling (JCM) is the only free publication dedicated to conceptual modeling techniques (and related topics) such as Object-Role Modeling (ORM), Natural Language Modeling (NLM), and the Unified Modeling Language (UML). In addition to 6 issues of informative articles every year, the JCM is home of many resources such as mailing lists, links, articles, and books.
- IEEE Computer Society
- The Digital Queers Initiative at GLAAD
- CRA- Computing Research Association
- GMD- German National Research Center for Information Technology
- BCS- British Computer Society
- Informatics Society of Iran
- LFCIA- Laboratory of Foundations in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
- EATCS- European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
- CEPIS- Council of European Professional Informatics Societies
- IFIP- International Federation for Information Processing
- OCG- Austrian Computer Society
- NJSZT- John von Neumann Computer Society
- GI- German Informatics Society
- NCS- Norwegian Computer Society
- VRI- Netherlands Association of Registered Information Scientists
- FESI- Spanish Federation of Computer Societies
- USENIX- Advanced Computing Systems Association
- HKCS- The Hong Kong Computer Society
- ISCA- International Society for Computers and Their Applications
- Center for Automation Research
- ACM- Association for Computing Machinery
- ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
- ACM Computing Surveys
- ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
- ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
- ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
- ACM Transactions on Database Systems
- ACM Transactions on Information and System Security
- ACM Transactions on Graphics
- ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
- ACM Transactions on Information Systems
- ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
- Crossroads: ACM Student Magazine
- ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
- ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
- Collected Algorithms of the ACM
- Communications of the ACM
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
- Journal of the ACM
- SIGMETRICS- Measurement and Evaluation
- SIGACT- Algorithms and Computational Theory
- SIGADA- Ada Programming Language
- SIGAPL- APL Programming Language
- SIGAPP- Applied Computing
- SIGARCH- Computer Architecture
- SIGART- Artificial Intelligence
- SIGBIO- Biomedical Computing
- SIG3C- Computing at Community Colleges
- SIGCAPH- Computers and the Physically Handicapped
- SIGCAS- Computers and Society
- SIGCHI- Computer-Human Interaction
- SIGCOMM- Data Communication
- SIGCPR- Computer Personnel Research
- SIGCSE- Computer Science Education
- SIGCUE- Computer Uses in Education
- SIGDA- Design Automation
- SIGDOC- Systems Documentation
- SIGGRAPH- Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
- SIGGROUP- Supporting Group Work
- SIGIR- Information Retrieval
- SIGKDD- Knowledge Discovery in Data
- SIGMOBILE- Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing
- SIGMICRO- Microrarchitectural Research & Processing
- SIGMIS- Management Information Systems
- SIGMM- Multimedia
- SIGMOD- Management of Data
- SIGNUM- Numerical Mathematics
- SIGOPS- Operating Systems
- SIGPLAN- Programming Languages
- SIGSAC- Security, Audit and Control
- SIGSAM- Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation
- SIGSIM- Simulation and Modeling
- SIGSOFT- Software Engineering
- SIGSOUND- Sound Technology
- SIGUCCS- University and College Computing Services
- SIGWEB- Hypertext, Hypermedia and Web
- Hypertext Bibliography Project- Computer Science journals
- Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies- BibTeX entries of references from journal articles, conference papers and technical reports from more than a thousand computer science-related bibliographies.
- DBLP Computer Science Bibliography- Digital Bibliography & Library Project provides bibliographic information on major computer science journals and proceedings.
- HCI Bibliography- Gary Perlman's online bibliography on human-computer interaction.
- UCSTRI- Unified Computer Science TR Index
- Computers and Copyrights: Bibliography- primarily covers United States copyright law up to 1997.
- Pointers to Linear Logic Papers- includes linear logic semantics, proof theory, complexity, and expressiveness. Linear logic was developed by J.Y.Girard as part of his investigation into the semantics of Intuitionistic Logic
- A Design Bibliography- picks by Alan Cooper on usability and interface design from an architectural perspective.
- DBLP Bibliography- Digital Bibliography & Library Project (US mirror at
- Interaction Design Bibliography- includes interface design, information design, multimedia, visual design, etc.
- User Interface Engineering -- User Interface Design Bibliography- an annotated bibliography.
- Index of Crypto Papers Online- by Bruce Schneier at Counterpane systems.
- Elliptic Curves and Cryptology bibliography- a cryptographic bibligraphy primarliy focused on elliptic curves.
- SIGGRAPH Bibliography Database Search- references to publications in the computer graphics literature.
- Bibliography for Computational Probability and Statistics- related to computational statistics and probability useful in probabilistic modeling processes.
- Cryptographic protocols related papers- largely covers security protocols with links to full text online. Last updated 1996.
- The Tavani Bibliography of Computing, Ethics, and Social Responsibility- covers professional issues in computing. It was originally used in a computer ethics course and then was broadened in topic.
- Bibliographies of Speech Conferences- various scientific conferences related to speech recognition.
- Computer Science- WWW Virtual Library section
- Computer Science Resources
- Theoretical Computer Science on the Web
- Ariadne
- STORM: Software Testing Online Resources / MTSU- The STORM site is a nexus of Software Testing Online Resources and is designed for software testing researchers and practitioners.
- KDNuggets- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Resources
- University Computer Science Departments- WWW Virtual Library section
- Computer Science Departments Across The Web
- Australasian Computer Science Association
- University of Newcastle - Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
- Macquarie University - Computing Department
- University of New South Wales - School of Computer Science and Engineering
- University of Sydney - Department of Computer Science
- University of Technology, Sydney - School of Computing Sciences
- University of Western Sydney, Nepean - School of Computing & Information Technology
- Australian Defence Force Academy - School of Computer Science
- Australian National University - Department of Computer Science
- University of Canberra - School of Computing
- University of Tasmania - Computer Science and Software Engineering
- Griffith University - School of Computing and Information Technology
- James Cook University - School of Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics
- University of Queensland - Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- University of Southern Queensland - Department of Mathematics and Computing
- Queensland University of Technology - School of Computing Science
- Flinders University - Department of Computer Science
- University of Adelaide - Department of Computer Science
- University of South Australia - School of Computer and Information Science
- Monash University - School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
- RMIT - Department of Computer Science
- University of Melbourne - Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
- Karlsruhe, FZI
- Berlin, Free University
- Aachen, University of Technology
- Berlin, Humboldt University
- Berlin, Humboldt University (Economics)
- Braunschweig, University of Technology
- Erlangen-N&xFC;rnberg, University
- Hamburg, University
- Freiburg, University
- Darmstadt, University of Technology
- Augsburg, University
- Paderborn, University
- Berlin, University of Technology
- Chemnitz, University of Technology
- Magdeburg, University
- Dresden, University of Technology
- Essen, University
- Halle-Wittenberg, University
- Ilmenau, University of Technology
- Hannover, University
- Jena, University
- Kaiserslautern, University
- Konstanz, University
- M&xFC;nster, University
- Kassel, University
- M&xFC;nchen, University
- M&xFC;nchen, University of Technology
- Leipzig, University
- Osnabr&xFC;ck, University
- Rostock, University
- Stuttgart, University
- Trier, University
- Ulm, University
- W&xFC;rzburg, University
- Eindhoven
- Amsterdam, Free University
- Amsterdam, University
- Delft
- Twente
- Brussels- ULB, Universit&xE9; Libre de Bruxelles
- Namur
- Antwerpen
- Brussels- VUB, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Leuven
- Diepenbeek
- Mons
- Louvain-La-Neuve
- Bordeaux I
- INRIA- French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control
- Dublin, City University
- Dublin, Trinity College
- Limerick
- Aarhus
- Copenhagen (DIKU)- Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
- G&xF6;teborg
- Lund
- Stockholm
- Uppsala
- Troms&xF8;
- Linz
- Vienna, University of Technology
- Athens, National Technical University
- Helsinki
- Istanbul, Technical University
- Ljubljana
- Poznan
- Krakow- Institute of Computer Science, Jagiellonian University
- Warsaw
- Wroclaw
- Gdansk- Department of Information Systems, University of Gdansk
- Z&xFC;rich
- Lausanne
- University of Rome Computer Science Department
- Bologna
- Torino
- Rutgers
- Boston University
- New York, Cornell University
- Florida (State University)
- Florida (University of)
- Houston, Rice University
- Iowa (State University)
- Iowa (University of)
- Johns Hopkins
- Massachusetts
- Kansas
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Purdue
- Rochester
- Bryn Mawr College
- Stanford
- Utah
- Washington
- Wesleyan
- Wisconsin
- Yale
- Baylor University
- Bowdoin College
- Brandeis University
- Brigham Young
- Brown University
- Elon College
- Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania
- Santa Cruz, University of California
- George Washington University (Virginia Campus)
- Carnegie Mellon
- Rutgers- Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
- Maryland
- Aberystwyth
- Aberdeen
- Exeter
- London (Imperial College)
- Manchester
- Oxford
- Reading
- Belfast (Queen's University)
- Swansea
- Cambridge
- Canterbury
- Aberdeen College
- Hull
- Glasgow
- Brighton
- Bristol
- London (City University)
- Warwick
- York
- Edinburgh
- Regina
- McGill
- Simon Fraser
- Toronto
- Alberta
- Waterloo
- Hong Kong
- Haifa, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion)
- Intelligent Database Systems Research Laboratory- Simon Fraser University
- Patterns Home Page
- Arthur M. Keller's recent papers
- Object FAQ
- Bernie Cohen- Bernard Cohen CEng BSc FBCS MIEE
- Object-Oriented Database Management Systems- This report provides a critical review and technology assessment of Object-Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMS).
- Data Warehousing and OLAP Bibliography
- Data Modelling: Finding the Perfect Fit- Explains the value of data modelling in an application analysis project; goes through some of the processes in a data modelling session: identifying entities, attributes, and relationships, drawing and reading entity relationship diagrams (ERD).
- Bibliographies on Database Research- Searchable collection of BibTeX bibliographies on database research
- TOOLS- Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
- VLDB- Very Large Data Bases Conference
- WITS- Workshop on Information Technologies & Systems
- WWW- International World Wide Web Conference Series
- TREC- Text Retrieval Conference
- DB&LP: Conferences & Workshops- large list of Computer Science Conferences & Workshops : past, present and future
- SIGMOD/PODS- ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data
- FTCS- International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing
- OOPSLA- Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications
- KR- Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- SIGMM- ACM SIGMM Multimedia Conferences
- MobiCom- ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
- LOPSTR- Workshop on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation
- LICS- IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science
- IPDPS- International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
- KRDB- Knowledge Representation meets Databases
- SIGKDD- ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- IJCAI- International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence
- IFIP- International Federation for Information Processing
- IDEAS- International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium
- ICFP- International Conference on Functional Programming
- EUFIT- European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing
- PCEXPO - Technology for Business
- Euro-Par- European Conference on Parallel Processing
- Wrox ASP Professional Web Developer Conference- Tips on using ASP and XML related technologies, including: ADO, Site Server, ADSI Components and more!
- ACM GIS'99- Advances in Geographic Information Systems
- LPNMR'99- Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning
- TACAS '99- Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
- RTA99- Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications
- ICLP'99- Conference on Logic Programming
- ER'99- Conference on Conceptual Modeling
- SRDS'99- IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
- ISCIS'99- International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences
- SBBD '99- Brazilian Symposium on Databases
- IHW99- Workshop on Information Hiding
- TDD'99- International Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects
- HPTS'99- High Performance Transaction Systems Symposium
- ICPP'99- International Conference on Parallel Processing
- PKDD'99- Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
- LPAR'99- Conference on Logic for Programming and Automated Reasoning
- MFCS'99- Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
- PASTE'99- Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering
- UIDIS'99- User Interfaces to Data Intensive Systems
- OOIS'99- Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems
- IW-MMDBMS'99- Workshop on MultiMedia DataBase Management Systems
- ParCo99- Parallel Computing
- WADS'99- Workshop on Algorithms And Data Structures
- SSDB-11- Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management
- SSD99- International Symposium on Spatial Databases
- ICCS99- International Conference on Conceptual Structures
- NGITS'99- Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems
- WebDB'99- Workshop on the Web and Databases
- ILP'99- International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming
- NLDB'99- Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems
- ISMIS'99- International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
- IEEE ICMCS'99- International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems.
- SIGMETRICS '99- Conference on the Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
- PODC '99- Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
- PPOPP 99- Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
- PLDI'99- Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
- MD99- IEEE Meta-Data Conference
- PAKDD99- Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- TLCA'99- Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications
- RIDE99- Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering
- HotOS-VII- Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems
- STACS 1999- Symposium on Theoretical Aspects in Computer Science
- PEPM'99- Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation
- Hypertext 1999- International Conferences on Hypertext and Hypermedia
- ICDCS 2000- International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
- ISCA 2000- International Symposium on Computer Architecture
- ICSE2000- International Conference on Software Engineering
- ETAPS 2000- European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
- SAC 2000- ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
- ICDE2000- International Conference on Data Engineering
- POPL '00- Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
- VDB-5- IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems
- PADL'00- Workshop on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages