Introduction to Machine Learning

This talk is based on

1 CSCE 883

2 Outline

3 Why Machine Learning

Three niches for machine learning:

3.1 Bioinformatics Example


4 Relevant Disciplines

5 What is the Learning Problem?

5.1 Learning to Play Checkers

We must ask:

5.2 Learning Handwriting Recognition

We must ask the same questions:

6 Choosing the Training Experience

7 Choose the Target Function

7.1 Possible Definition for Target Function

  1. if $b$ is a final board state that is won, then $V(b) = 100$
  2. if $b$ is a final board state that is lost, then $V(b) = -100$
  3. if $b$ is a final board state that is drawn, then $V(b) = 0$
  4. if $b$ is a not a final state in the game, then $V(b) = V(b')$, where $b'$ is the best final board state that can be achieved starting from $b$ and playing optimally until the end of the game.

8 Choose Representation for Target Function

8.1 A Representation for the Target Function

9 Training Examples

10 Choose Weight Tuning Rule

  1. Select a training example $b$ at random
  2. Compute $error(b)$: \[error(b) = V_{train}(b) - \hat{V}(b)\]
  3. For each board feature $f_{i}$, update weight $w_{i}$: \[w_{i} \leftarrow w_{i} + c \cdot f_{i} \cdot error(b) \] where, $c$ is some small constant, say 0.1, to moderate the rate of learning.
  4. Goto 1

11 Final Design

12 Design Choices

  1. Determine the type of training experience: games against experts, table of correct moves, games against self, etc.
  2. Determine target function ($V$): Board → move, Board → value, etc.
  3. Determine representation of learned function ($\hat{V}$): polynomial, artificial neural network, linear function of six features, etc.
  4. Determine learning algorithm: linear programming, gradient descent, etc.

13 Some Issues in Machine Learning


  1. Machine Learning.,
  2. Slides by Tom Mitchell on Machine Learning,
  3. website,
  4. Gene Expression article on the NEJM website. Requires subscription,

This talk available at
Copyright © 2009 José M. Vidal . All rights reserved.

15 January 2003, 04:48PM