JavaScript in the Browser


 * Shadows.js: shadowed text with CSS.
 * This module defines a single global object named Shadows.
 * The properties of this object are two utility functions.
 * Shadows.add(element, shadows):
 *   Add the specified shadows to the specified element.  The first argument
 *   is a document element or element id.  This element must have a single
 *   text node as its child.  This child is the one that will be shadowed.
 *   Shadows are specified with a string argument whose syntax is explained
 *   below.
 * Shadows.addAll(root, tagname):
 *   Find all descendants of the specified root element that have the
 *   specified tagname. If any of these elements have an attribute named
 *   shadow, then call Shadows.add(), for the element and the value of its
 *   shadow attribute.  If tagname is not specified, all elements are checked.
 *   If root is not specified, the document object is used.  This function is
 *   intended to be called once, when a document is first loaded.
 * Shadow Syntax
 * Shadows are specified by a string of the form [x y color]+.  That is, one
 * or more triplets specifying an x offset a y offset and a color.  Each of
 * these values must be in legal CSS format. If more than one shadow is
 * specified, then the first shadow specified is on the bottom, overlapped
 * by subsequent shadows.  For example: "4px 4px #ccc 2px 2px #aaa"
var Shadows = {};

// Add shadows to a single specified element
Shadows.add = function(element, shadows) {
    if (typeof element == "string")
        element = document.getElementById(element);

    // Break the shadows string up at whitespace, first stripping off
    // any leading and trailing spaces.
    shadows = shadows.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
    var args = shadows.split(/\s+/);

    // Find the text node that we are going to shadow.
    // This module would be more robust if we shadowed all children.
    // For simplicity, though, we're only going to do one.
    var textnode = element.firstChild;
    // Give the container element relative positioning, so that
    // shadows can be positioned relative to it.
    // We'll learn about scripting the style property in this way later. = "relative";

    // Create the shadows
    var numshadows = args.length/3;           // how many shadows?
    for(var i = 0; i < numshadows; i++) {     // for each one
        var shadowX = args[i*3];              // get the X offset
        var shadowY = args[i*3 + 1];          // the Y offset
        var shadowColor = args[i*3 + 2];      // and the color arguments

        // Create a new <span> to hold the shadow
        var shadow = document.createElement("span");
        // Use its style attribute to specify offset and color
        shadow.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute; " +
                            "left:" + shadowX + "; " +
                            "top:" + shadowY + "; " +
                            "color:" + shadowColor + ";");

        // Add a copy of the text node to this shadow span
        // And add the span to the container

    // Now we put the text on top of the shadow.  First, create a <span>
    var text = document.createElement("span");
    text.setAttribute("style", "position: relative"); // position it
    text.appendChild(textnode); // Move the original text node to this span
    element.appendChild(text);  // And add this span to the container

// Scan the document tree at and beneath the specified root element for
// elements with the specified tagname.  If any have a shadow attribute
// pass it to the Shadows.add() method above to create the shadow.
// If root is omitted, use the document object.  If tagname is omitted,
// search all tags.
Shadows.addAll = function(root, tagname) {
    if (!root) root = document;   // Use whole document if no root
    if (!tagname) tagname = '*';  // Use any tag if no tagname specified
    var elements = root.getElementsByTagName(tagname); // Find all tags
    for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {           // For each tag
        var shadow = elements[i].getAttribute("shadow"); // If it has a shadow
        if (shadow) Shadows.add(elements[i], shadow);    // create the shadow

José M. Vidal .

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